Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ancient Egypts Secretsheqet Heketa Goddess Of Childbirth

Ancient Egypts Secretsheqet Heketa Goddess Of Childbirth


A goddess of childbirth and value, depicted as a frog, or a human being with the height of a frog. According to one tradition, she was the companion of Khnum, the artist god of Abu (Elephantine). He formed each person on his potter's pedals, and she breathed life in the sphere of them next to they were located in their mother's womb. Having a baby women wore amulets depicting Heqet for protection, and fashionable the Sympathy Majesty ritual ivory knives and clappers inscribed with her name were recycled to area off evil fashionable childbirth. She can furthermore bring on labour and air protection fashionable labour.

Heqet was depicted as a frog because, to the Egyptians, the frog was a symbol of life and value, for instance millions of them were innate after the annual cloudburst of the Nile.