Another common interpretation of the Hermit is the wise old man or advisor. In this respect, he is the messenger of truth, revealing the importance of forethought and circumspection. Since the Hermit can be a carrier of light, he is there to share his knowledge and light the path for others. He guides the seeker towards self-knowledge and self-acceptance.
When The Hermit is drawn in a love Tarot reading, he typically represents a need to pause. This is a time for evaluation. In terms of a relationship that has come to a crossroad, the Hermit encourages you to go within and find your truth. The Hermit may indicate that your focus on your relationship will need to shift. This is not the time to make your relationship a priority. You would be better served by allowing yourself the freedom to do some soul searching. Although there may be some loneliness, the ultimate goal would be a transformative experience. After a period of introspection, you may be willing to work things out with your partner. A new perspective and sense of purpose can add valuable information for both you and your partner.
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