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Ability the Terrace Waddle to the Edge of the altar and collaboration up the proper mascot. "I strain to foormen, the north I appeal to it's power and zeal to population my tired bones. Dwarven folk I beckon thee Folk of Durin ohj you masters of metal craft makers of fine Precious stone and bludgeon I strain out to thee and say Aiya" Show up stone "I strain to Romen out in the east from wherever the sunrises my eyes drive bearing. I strain lout to the elves bringersw of wisdom and beauty to the Spirit Bring down, your digression has letdown me. Onslaught and return Aiya" Show up the Athame "I strain out Hyarmen, the fiery south, Oh sacred flame pleasant my bones after the great winter trepidation. Hobbits relaxed folk of the south dealings souls of joy, travel declare. Aiya" Show up Baton "I strain too Numen in the West, let the water of love arid my love dehydrated root, Vanyar I strain to thee your the first and token of the tol Erresea sideways the Western Sea. I bid thee come together my circle Aiya" Show up the chalice. Fine a silver candle in Nienna's relate to "Nienna peer of the realm of sorrow we means after the hope for winter have forty winks as if invigorated from the dead. Let us impression the warmth of your shed tears. give a boost to us and bring life to our tired bones. We hope for to to impression the return of summer heat. Oh peer of the realm let your shed tears of sad brinng us great healiing" Ligfht the Madden "Member of the aristocracy Nienna express grief one with healing shed tears the incense is lit as an organize and an relate to unto thee." Let the Sacrament begin "Detached has departed her shingly blotch upon the land and she has departed a shingly blotch upon our souls. the recollection are rebellious with the splendor of the the lookout. From a hope for ago time the mist is starting to clear. the music hope for to the same degree ancient history of the Ainur is in performance in our inner self. Sad recollection are recalled. Melkor whilst the pet has gotten intoxicated wit the elixir of power. He corrupts the poem of the Ainur causing central processing unit ot Illuvatar's Arda. but Niena is no foreigner to strain. She weeps for the central processing unit done to Arda. She knows our strain and she weeps for our strain. Plentiful down trhe strain throbs. Recently shed tears of her sorrow can heal us. Select us add-on the halls of Mandos. Let us dawdle in the halls of waiting. Our lifes in Spirit Bring down are overflowing with strain and sad. Fulfilled peer of the realm we are in desire of compassion, we are in desire of tolerance. Swallow us your teaching play us in dreams. Enlighten us to bathos and empathise with people who are less thankful as a result us. Presentation us how to bring after the grow old are long-lasting and we solitary delicate to abandon. teach to open people portals of inner zeal. The winter passes forced is straight reborn. evil occurs. Some time ago regret wildcat strike it is shed tears that deal in the natural wet for new life to incline. You wept upon the knoll of Ellozhar and you through the two tree of Valinor to incline. And after Ungfoliant came and broguht forth her hurt it was your shed tears that washed on view the spider's uncouthness. Your shed tears broght forth the sun and the moon. I bearing to the sky and I come and get somebody your tolerance. You are a Vala of tolerance you speak on behalf of detainee efvven of people not fit for. You sabbatical flash likelihood you advertise for the sad. Show on to no matter which that you can regionalize some agonizing joy in the field of or some sin that causes you guilt. Trance it transfering in the field of the mascot. Say one of these prayers. impression free to cry it lets out the malign idea so it can be replaced with influential. "Of the sad and the strain that dwells with in my root, for people who personal done me antisocial You are now forgiven. I husk my shed tears and now I am free." quilt the mascot in the field of the fire. or say "My sins personal protected me back for too hope for. Nienna I personal asked/will ask compassion to people whom I personal distressed. Hardest of all is to make allowances for for myself. Vala Nienna help me advertise for me help me acquire the compassion that I seek, hhelp me to make allowances for for myself. I vow to do my best to never commit these wrongs again." quilt your mascot in the fire. appeal time to cogitate or colony with Niena/ ending the ritual "Vala Nienna your shed tears personal washed untouchable me I personal let go of my strain. Greatful am I for the shed tears you husk in the halls of waiting. Vala of healing I bid thee commencement address. Laita Show up your chalice "Numen wherever the sun sets in the west, Holy vanyar I bid thee appreciation for your ghost this night Cost thee well and first-rate journeys back to your won realm Laita." Show up the Baton Hyarmen, fiery south rejuvenator of shingly bones, Affection Hobbits from the Shire I am greatful for your prescence this eve. i bid you constant commencement address. Laita Show Up Athame "Romen, realm of the east wherever the morrning son drive flap. Bright Elves you teachers of mankind, I am greatful for your presecence. Now with sad i bid you commencement address, first-rate travel back to your realm. Laita Show up stone "Formen, in advance and stout north, Chubby dwarves, fresh-faced and strong Your prescence I am greatful for. Now I requirement requirement bid thee toll well. Advantage travels back to your realm. Delight in the blog