Efficient John Henry Newman, whilst his version, spine about how he had, in his Anglican days, held the Pope to be the Antichrist. Equally a talented tutorial of deviation; given that if Newman the Anglican had held that, he did so in disclaimer to the standard thinking of Anglicanism. The Anglican place was remotely defined: The Cathedral of Rome is a true Cathedral (not tricks, but Actual). Afterward, the Pithy of the Cathedral of England are traced upfront Rome. So, Newman was rejecting his own previously justifiable thinking upon converting to Roman Catholicism; but he had no aim to compromise that his thinking had been Anglican in the cover place.
I experience again having an mail explanation, existence ago, with a man who had heavy-handed literally industriously the writings of John Jewell. And steady, Jewell had very foul thinking about Rome, as well as very rebel views about the ancient Mythology of the Cathedral in dominant. Equally my comparable had failed to hold in our crave conversation, was that Jewell deviated from the repeatedly obvious Wish that the Bishops of the Cathedral would teach in the days of Elizabeth I, and that would be set as the wisdom by which the Cathedral would be guided.
If we wish to know what is Leader in Anglicanism, we demand to deal with to the Formularies, and earlier them to the Wish which was heart continued in England, and later in Anglicanism as it branch out to other countries. In other words, referring again to Pithy as a crucial tutorial, the view of this or that Low churchman, Puritan, Far-reaching churchman, etc., helps us just in understanding community people. To know the standard teaching of Anglicanism, we demand to see what the Ordinal actually says, conspicuously the Beginning. Near we see a pure statement that the ancient Pithy are heart conserved. They are not redefined, recreated, or made to order in any way. This is the Formulary that speaks to the gist, and no peculiar view equals it in authority; no peculiar view changes the uttered sacramental Theme of the Cathedral.
The standard place of Anglicanism was, still, that the Cathedral of England was the actual Cathedral that had existed in the role of the Board of Hertford in AD 673, like the Celtic British Christians and the English Christians firm by Saint Augustine of Canterbury became one Cathedral. The spiritual descendents of the Continental Protestants soup?on their churches to the 16th Century, and see no demand for the Apostolic Cord to bind them to the Superhuman Catholic Cathedral recognized by Christ. We soup?on our Cathedral to Jerusalem and the Day of Pentecost. We sustain the Apostolic Cord not quite given that we like it, but given that, as our Formularies make pure earlier deduce, it is of the hub of the Cathedral to sustain true Bishops. Deviants say no, but the Formularies say yes.