Fate or Free Will
The question of whether a card in the future position is absolutely 'gospel' is a matter which often baffles until experience is gelled with feeling. Because a card denotes a certain influence or event does not always mean that influence cannot be altered. Even as we talk about the future we begin to conceptualise it in a freer way and thus it may be modified or changed or even overthrown by the stronger ideas and thoughts of individual mind. In short the future is not carved in tablets of stone.
'Death' and 'Devil' Cards
The bogeys of the pack often put the fear of God into the person having the reading. These arcanum should be treated with the utmost care, opened up for discussion and never just taken at face value. Death gives the greatest opportunity for change, demands it in fact, and all life is change. 'The Devil' concerns the immediate negatives that the enquirer is unwilling to face or that someone closely connected is unwilling to face. Often death may appear after a demise, or the Devil may appear when there is ill-health or chicanery, but in terms of the future they are the darker side of life with which we constantly have to deal and not simply the villains of the piece.
Reversed Cards
A lot of people are perplexed by the fact that some cards when selected appear upside down, or reversed, and whether this should be taken into account.
In actual fact, it is down to the individual understanding of the reader. Some tarot readers will 'read' a lot into reversed meanings and some will not. I personally do not. The tarot cards themselves are very much a focal point for the clairvoyant skills or the perceptions of whoever is reading them.
Block Definitions
Defining tarot card meanings is again at the discretion of the reader. A card falling in one spread in one position does not necessarily mean the same in another spread. The card meanings have to be integrated in an overall sense. Hence, the king of cups on one query will not always convey the same meaning to the reader in the next spread. The reader's ability to take in information over and above that of the main wisdom of the card is not only prerequisite but fundamental to the correct use of tarot. Otherwise, a stereotyped and contrived version of life and events will ensue and be more hindrance than help.
Less is More!
People often wonder whether the more tarot cards are actually spread the more information is forthcoming. Some readers may spread a lot of cards in order to fill in blanks if it's a complex or difficult subject, but mostly this is not the case. If you are learning the tarot try to avoid spreading too many cards, you will confuse yourself, certainly until more experienced. The brunt of the information on a good tarot reader is 'impactful' within the opening minutes and the added information tends to layer itself on what is already on the table. Unless the person being read for is blocked or afraid, in which case the reader may make the fight for access easier for themself by adding more cards
Card Layout or Design
There are many sorts of spreads and layouts and again its down to the individual likes and dislikes of whoever is reading. Some people don't need tarot at all and use ordinary playing cards. (Its a test of how your psychic abilities are developing if you can use an ordinary deck, but don't worry if you can't.) But if you are too busy worrying about your layout or spread design it may actually impede your right hand brain (intuitive faculty) so use the layout you are comfortable with. Simple layouts are best if you're learning: three cards laid horizontally and then perhaps three cards on top when the reading is unfolding. If you're receiving a reading, don't even give it consideration. Leave it to the reader - you don't go to the dentist and watch every single instrument he uses
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