Many years ago, almost a lifetime ago, as I write about The High Priestess, because my husband and I were generating so much empathic and intuitive energy between us, we began experiencing a complete dismantling of outdated and old ways to approach our life.
It is safe to say, that the veils, that had kept us so protected and innocent to these life changes, were now being torn apart, for truth, from deeper under the surface to everyday life, would ground and anchor itself, in the path that we were walking.
The Tarot Cards, would become a much needed guide for these changes. It was at this point, that I began working with the energies and insights of the Alleister Crowley Tarot. Yes, I am aware of what has been written on Alleister, however, as an awakening full blown empath, I needed to work with a specific energy, that would teach and guide me, to the wild emotional surf, that had become our life.
We had been living in a place, where the energies were very scatterd and very dense. We had not figured out or discovered that we were stepping into the ascension process and being in dense and scattered energies, was a process for clearing and connecting our energy to soul blueprint and bringing much needed energy to the area and place that we were living.
It seemed that the longer we were in different environments, because I was learning how to read patterns of energy and learning how not to take it personally, any negatives that were coming to the surface, I felt a tremendous amount of fear and panic setting in. Fear that we had screwed up our lives by listening to our intuition. Fear that we would never learn or come out of this path, that was not well traveled or even discovered yet.
I felt panicked and lost enough, that even though I am a Tarot reader, with empathic abilities and high intuition, I was no good to myself or the awakening process, that had become our lives. I did it!. I went for a psychic reading.
Well, of course, the reader picked up on my energy and asked me why on earth I was talking to her for a reading, with the energy that I was floating in and still trying to figure out how to generate. Not to be forgotten, I was still pretty new to this journey and had not yet figured out, that the many life experiences heading my way, would eventually teach me and to utilized Tarot insight, intuition, breath and awareness, constantly and consistently, until this new way of thinking would root and anchor into my life.
As I was not looking for predictions or outcomes, but a way to figure how to tap into my awareness, I explained a little bit about what was going on and she proceeded with a Celtic cross layout. To this day, I don't remember what the other cards were in the layout. However, when she got to the position of fear, The High Priestess was there in all her glory. The focus became about the High Priestess in the fear position.
She could not get over seeing the High Priestess in the fear position.
She had never seen something like this, in the years that she had been doing readings.
All she could do was ask; "woman, what on earth are you doing with your energy, why aren't you listening to your intuition and why on earth are you handing your power away? Well, OK, I was still young and new to the unchartered territory that had become our life and the journey that we didn't want to take, but had to take it anyway.
Well, after those words, I felt myself come back into my body and felt myself snap into appropriate awareness.
From that day forward, whenever a negative, a challenge and an obstacle was on the horizon and getting ready to be transformed and transmuted into a state of awareness, I would breathe deeply and connect to the energy of the High Priestess, to guide me along the way.
Each Tarot card, in a deck represents and generates its own energy. When we begin a journey, that has never been traveled before, the road less taken or not taken at all, the only thing we have as our guide is our intuition and all things that teach us how to focus and connect to our intuition.
It has taken 18 years to complete the many levels and paths of this journey, the High Priestess, certainly did become my guide and teacher on this ascension process and journey of awakening. At the beginning of this journey, having never come across anything empathic, or how to connect emotions to our intuition, I was and we were scared beyond our imaginings.
As with everything, with constant and consistent practice, the tools for intuition and the Tarot, taught us how to go within and stay connected to our breath and our awareness. No, it didn't happen overnight, it was a learned practice, that needed constant application to our life experiences.
To this day, whenever my energy gets stuck and confusion sets in, one of the many things that I remember now, is that the stuckness represents new information and new energy setting into my life and that staying connected to my breath and remembering to connect to the higher energies of the High Priestess and allow for the natural connection and integration process to unfold, in due time, everything begins to make sense.
This was my journey with the High Priestess, one that will continue to be a guide on my path.
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