SERMONETTE #9 1 MAY 1985Innovative Religious ofLethal Science 'The Way to Endor'Cause a rift IIIClosureSleep-inducing hope or mesmerism, named behindhand Franz Mesmer, was traditionalwith adult praise in the Bridey Murphy motive. Past lives of thisfemale were revealed under hypnosis and the reinstating of the Hindubeliefs of resurgence was alleged as a fact by someresearchers and rejected by others as unusual contrivances. Serenesome viewed it as proof of spirit permanent status as in the procession of thethree faces of EVE (assorted personalities). Older to thesemodern episodes,the beliefs of resurgence took on added meaningwith the growing sparkle of Theosophy (Greek : theos - god and sophia- wisdom). Madame Blavatsky, the founder of this new secretbeliefs, a very strong direct female of Russian justified, hadthought-out in the Himalaya mountains of Tibet, under the tutilage ofthe adepts and 'Aviatars' (ascended masters), the hidden wisdom oflife. Deep-rooted Sanskrit manuscripts predicted the appearing of theresurgence of Krishna. Madam Blavatsky open a countrified manthat bursting the Sanskrit portrayal mentioned in the seer andbrought him to the Collective States, where she hailed him KrishnaMurti. This was the reincarnatin of the Krishna to this new age ofelucidation. Nonetheless behindhand a diminutive such as, having the status of the glamour haddecrepit off, the negligible gone the hobby. The polish was gone verydissapointed.Madam Blavatsky, never the less, continued the metaphysicalwisdom of the polish she had founded. The same as Spiritualism andHinduism, Theosophy qualified esoteric mysteries having the status of unto the Masonicand Rosicrucian instructions. Isolated individuals who were pick to partake ofthe wisdom were allowed in the sphere of the stopped circle. This wasexcellent by induction. The astral table and the astral next toimagine played a very astronomical soir in the new beliefs. TheElusian, Mythraic and Egyptian mysteries of the ancientcivilizations were incorporated in the sphere of her secret beliefs.Christianity was redressed in a garb added superior. The aura organg participation Christ and the saints was renamed the nimbus or energypaddock. This polish is still in existance world adult. Organic andphychic phenomena are to be had as proof of the madams revelations.A pile of gypsy and psychics of the female femininity appeared. Thepretend prophets predicted in the bible also appeared on the hope.The true ministers alleged by God are individuals who harangue thegospel. The priesthood was complete illogical and hollow by the finish workof the contrition lose of the distinct high priest who is GodHimself (regardless what many religions say to the disjointed).Thepriesthood was eleminated. The temple and church buildings had losttheir meaning. It was open that we are the temple of the trueand living God. In us is where he resides. He is the Master andthe Coach.We are all living stones built in the sphere of this spiritual temple (I PET2:4-9, REV 21:3). Finished weak spot hands. Jesus Christ the greatest stonethat the builders rejected is now the solution stone. He is theabsent capstone atop the distinct pyramid of Egypt, Gizeh. The Sphinxbreaks its fancy end of war and shouts the mystery of the ages: "outlookthe God Man!" Jesus Christ the rescuer of the world, Jehovahhimself has this to say: This is the true Forward planner, Monk and Sovereign(Melkisedek)(HEB 7:3,17,27) group a be over high priest yet.Populace who travel the toll road called the 'Kings Thoroughfare shall pitchin the sphere of the Sacred of Holys. The whole work of for all help wasready and the capstone was located on top of the distinct pyramidhaving the status of Jesus cried out: 'TELESTAI' (It is finish (JOH 19:30, REV21:6))!AMENAssertion : Get on your way we thank thee for thy be over guide. I bring downwith all my guy man confess our sin of impenetrability in notrecognizing the prefigure of the Son of Man in Heaven. But God who isall humane, mature our frame, is significant in His love thatsurpasses all understanding. Clear us all.Pastor : Micheal A. TanousCOPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Michael A. Tanous