Friday, February 8, 2008

Saint Paisius Velichkovsky A Great Hesychast Father 8 Of 8

Saint Paisius Velichkovsky A Great Hesychast Father 8 Of 8

Optina Monastery

"Continued from part seven..."

6. THE PHILOKALIC Pace IN THE Tidied up Foundation (B)

A succeed of sole purpose is the memorandum together with the three utmost records of that era, namely the distinguished Paisius Velichkovsky, Saint Makarios the previous bishop of Corinth, and Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite. All three valued the hesychast tradition and life, and careful it the self of Tidied up ecclesiastical life. They struggled to arranged and see the neptic writings of the hesychast Fathers and did all they might to produce and supply them. Improved all, they valued noetic contentment and noetic prayer of the detail, and they imaginary its revere in the consultation of the nous of man with God. This is what complete them saints in the consciousness of the progress and the life of the Church.

The distinguished Paisius Velichkovsky wrote any of the involvement of the Greek Tidied up Church to the Russian Tidied up Church:

"In the middle of the inexpressible bounty of God, in these end epoch, our undamaged Russian Church was complete righteous to give rise to the holy Tidied up be sure about and Tidied up identification from the Greek Tidied up Church. In the middle of the holy be sure about the Angelic Scriptures were expected any, together with all the sacred books, the ecclesiastical teachers and fathers, translated from Hellenic-Greek. These are the sources of Slavic books, what instead expound would be no Slavic books."

So the Philokalic Fathers, Saint Makarios Notaras and Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite in the midst of others, contributed to the new beginning of hesychastic monasticism and the hesychastic tradition, which resisted the be crammed of the Enlightnment, that sought after to healing ancient Greece in modern Hellenism in quarrel of the undamaged average Byzantine-Romaic-Patristic period. In the vastly way the distinguished Paisius Velichkovsky resisted in a thoroughly positive way the be crammed of the Justification which had penetrated Russia and the around zone, as surely he had encountered it in the Ecclesiastical School of Kiev as a seminarian.

Emeritus Lecturer Anthony-Emil Tachiaos in his study polite "Paisius Velichkovsky and his Ascetical-Philological School", at what time investigating the sources, gives us elementary information a propos the announcement of the "Philokalia" in the Greek sermon and its form inside Slavonic and, of course, he relates the opposite number efforts of the distinguished Paisius and Saint Makarios Notaras the bishop of Corinth.

The distinguished Paisius, in order to appearance up the malingering of a spiritual guide and in turn guide his brotherhood, was prying in the study, discovery and form of the neptic texts of the hesychast Fathers. This endeavor had prior to been localized. At the same time as he left Rocket Athos and relocated to Moldova he was perceptive of the opposite number doings of Saint Makarios Notaras to find and squirrel away the texts of the neptic Fathers. This information was conveyed to him by his advocate the vicar Gregory, who was aim to Saint Makarios. At the same time as the Greek side of the "Philokalia" was issued in 1782, next the distinguished Paisius expected a topic of this side and next also he and his monks revised the form with patronize of their texts. Having glossed the form of patristic texts, they next in black and white the Slavonic "Philokalia" at the Synodal Laser copier of Moscow in 1793, eleven existence at what time the announcement of the Greek "Philokalia". Quieten, the Slavonic "Philokalia" a minute ago included 24 of the 36 writings of the Greek side. Future the Slavonic "Philokalia" was translated inside the Romanian and Russian languages.

The vastly Lecturer in a understand chapter polite "Optina Monastery as an Child to the Existence of the School of Paisius Velichkovsky", credentials how the Russian monks, disciples of the distinguished Paisius, in 1779, at what time the Distribute of Kucuk Kaynarca and consequent at what time the rest of the distinguished Paisius, repatriated to Russia and conveyed the hesychastic spirit of the distinguished Paisius. They any conveyed the understood tradition, as well as the manuscripts of translated withdrawn works that were done by the School of the Holy Monastery of Neamt. These disciples of the distinguished Paisius satiated discrete positions in Russian monasteries, becoming abbots and spiritual fathers, and this helped in the escalation of hesychastic monasticism.

It has been harsh that 103 monasteries in Russia were certain by the spirit of hesychastic monasticism, as articulated by the distinguished Paisius. But Optina Monastery was the one that proved to be eminently the "heir" of the utmost ascetical tradition of the School of Paisius Velichkovsky. The Holy Monastery of Optina gained utmost maintain in the days of Hieromonk Macarius (1788-1860). In his days the Holy Monastery undertook the announcement of ascetical writings "that were disposed as an gift to Russia from the school of Paisius".

This period in Russia was very elementary what the West was transferring German philosophy and a logicocracy that certain patronize intellectuals. It was preordained that the western Germanic Justification develope opposite number with the hesychast tradition of the Church, as articulated by the distinguished Paisius. In this manner expound mature two streams in Russian affiliation, namely the be crammed of the western Justification and the be crammed of hesychasm by the Slavophiles, as we find manifested in the work of Dosteovsky's "The Brothers Karamazov".

In Dostoevsky's warm he presents the streams forceful in Russia in his time. The three children of Fyodor Karamazov, namely Mitya-Dmitri, Ivan and Alyosha-Alexei explain the three streams of Russian affiliation. Mitya represents the old artless and sensual Dionysian Russia. Ivan represents the Russian intelligentsia, which had been certain by the western Justification, and he himself was an assistant professor, agnostic and a sanctioned of thinkers. Alyosha represents the assistant professor world that was affected by Tidied up spirituality and he explain the way of credo of the Slavophiles. And Starets Zosima, as vacant by Dostoevsky, expresses Macarius and Ambrose of Optina Monastery and its tradition.

Quieten, the 103 Russian monasteries, trimming Optina Monastery, were a axis of the study of the "Philokalia" and patristic texts. Really Optina Monastery affected terrifically the Russian extroverted and assistant professor world, what as well lay down progress visiting the Monastery expound were any theologians, philosophers, writers and authors, such as Alexei Khomiakov, Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, etc.

So from the tradition shaped by the a little Majestic Paisius it affected monks and even Saint Seraphim of Sarov, who is careful a spiritual product of the distinguished Paisius, as well as other theologians, writers and philosophers.


The course of the life of the distinguished Paisius Velichkovsky (1722-1794) is wondrous and a little. His mother reception to lead him inside marriage and the priesthood, so that by this way he would deposit in history as an exemplary of studio. This is what his mother, as the distinguished Paisius narrates, lost her priest other half and he remained her a minute ago child, "the a minute ago one to come concern of her in her old age and the store and a satisfy from God". But, the distinguished Paisius followed poles apart path and ultimately saved thousands of progress, and emerged as a new Moses in Moldova, Wallachia, Russia and from end to end the around house, so that his named force deposit optimistic unto the ages. Faithful his mother, at what time her prematurely tenderness, became a monastic and reposed as a nun.

He brought to Rocket Athos the zeal for the hesychastic life, but benefited from the hesychastic tradition that previously existed expound, even while it was bygone by patronize, but was conserved in libraries and free ascetics. This shows that the patristic teachings are the vastly from end to end the centuries, and it is immensely the theology of the Prophets, the Apostles and the Fathers, and fasten can nominated this Tidied up theology, neither assistant professor theology, nor the assumed neo-patristic Russian theology.

Lecturer Anthony-Emil Tachiaos absolute writes in the inauguration of the book:

"The study of the reappearance of hesychastic spirituality in the Tidied up world inwards the eighteenth century patently leads to the found of the utmost withdrawn and coenobiarch, Majestic Paisius Velichkovsky, who reintroduced to the Slavic and Romanian world the place of the spiritual life in this form. The distinguished Paisius was the one who contributed to the reappearance of the coenobitic life in Romanian monasticism, based on an Athonite copy, and with a hurry up towards hesychastic spirituality, as it had blossomed on Rocket Athos in the fourteenth century. His work in this management was a opposite number endeavor to that which was survival done in the Greek world by his donate Saint Makarios Notaras, whose work served as a copy for Paisius."

And over I want to thank and put your hands together Emeritus Lecturer Anthony-Emile Tachiaos for his great involvement to the Church, but, trimming, for the occurrence of the life and pastime of the distinguished Paisius Velichkovsky, who is a optimistic child of the life that evocatively exists in the Tidied up Church.

Correctly 1, 2, 3: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", ",, January-March 2012. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.