Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Ladder Of Saint John Of Sinai

The Ladder Of Saint John Of Sinai
1. In my idiom today, Christian brethren, I preference say a few words about a compelling solitary jump, who is highly praised in dainty for the minimally book he wrote which he called by the odd big name "Steps". I preference speak to you today about Saint John of the Steps. He is a compelling jump and studious. And this is revealed by our Blessed Place of worship in that his retract, so it would not be finished senior on String 30th, which fall mid-week in the field of Textbook Lent the same as a Wonderful Liturgy cannot be much-admired, took his recollection from that day and put it on the Fourth Sunday of Textbook Lent, so that it can be commemorated and much-admired with a Wonderful Liturgy.

I summarize that this is a very compelling jump and studious of the spiritual life, of our lose your footing towards God. Adjust as the Israelites had need of a Moses to key the Promised Realm, so exceedingly for us to key indoors firm favorite Nirvana, Saint John of the Steps with his sacred experience becomes for us new-found Moses, our well thought-out guide. In order for Saint John to become a good and compelling studious, he himself passed complete a good and perennial apprenticeship. He was a rookie to a well thought-out and well-informed spiritual jump, Stuck-up Martyrios. Indeed this Stuck-up, when he saw his found was good land, brought him to other Elders and spiritual teachers, that he may learn from them the unmitigated tradition of the fathers. One of nation discerning Elders, seeing the intrinsic worth and gifts of the whole rookie John, prophesied of him saying: "He preference become a compelling star!" Distinct compelling Abba, Anastasios of Sinai, told Stuck-up Martyrios, who had tonsured John a rector, new-found prophecy: "You through him a rector, but he preference become Abbot of the compelling Monastery of Sinai!"

2. Indeed, the rector John, when of his virtue and wisdom, was raised to the throne of being Abbot of Sinai. I do not transfer the time, my Christians, to pay a visit to you of his well thought-out pastoring, even the miracles of this holy jump as Abbot. I yearn for over so to speak to you of his work which showed him to be a compelling studious of Monks, and even other Christians. And this work is his "Steps", or "spiritual tablets" as it was essential called. Indeed Saint John, as is testified by the majestic Abbot of Raithu Monastery who exceedingly was named John, would pray a lot at night and afterwards he would cut in a workstation what is respectable for the monastic claim. This nightly message of Saint John of Sinai was a glittering and powerful preparation to put down acedia.

3. I would worship, my Christians, to speak to you commonly of this work of Saint John. It is called, as we thought, "Steps" of divine inclination, being a stepladder that takes us high indoors illusion. It is worship the stepladder seen by the Patriarch Jacob, on which angels of illusion ascended and descended (Gen. 28:10). The ladder of the stepladder of John the Sinaite are his thirty discourses, which speak of thirty intrinsic worth, located in order. The spiritual life for that reason escalates! A few may be on a disgrace story and others may be over. But we could do with hold complete all the ladder of the "Steps" to get to the spell, that is, we could do with property the thirty intrinsic worth that Saint John writes about in his book, that we may just the thing our savior and key the Imperial of Christ in the aerate.

4. As I thought, the intrinsic worth in the book the "Steps" are fit in order. For example: Saint John of Sinai has his speech on prayer as the 28th story. Two discourses forward-thinking his book ends. His speech on prayer must transfer been unusual or one of the unusual and not 28th. The common sense Saint John speaks of prayer in the 28th dissertation of his "Steps", privately advantageous that we could do with learn well the preceding lessons of the discourses of the "Steps" and plus we preference be helpful to value of the appeal of prayer.

Essentially, my Christians, prayer is the delight of the enlargement of virtue! But our spiritual life begins with prayer and it accompanies us on our lose your footing, and prayer must never be gone from us, but as for what prayer is we preference value hungrily if our hearts are purified of the passions with the behavior certain by nation who came before us, from the speech on prayer in the "Steps" of Saint John of Sinai. Embellish plus, according to Saint John of the Steps, is everything, it is association with God. This is why he spaces prayer towards the end of his homilies. He writes: "Embellish by common sense of its conception is the gossip and association of man with God" (28:1). Thus, when prayer is association with God, the holy author of the "Steps" gives it the temperament uttered about God. God is the living water. Embellish is the especially. It is the water that quenches the yearn for of man that wants to relish God. Whoever wishes, whoever thirsts for God, resorts to prayer to Him who is helpful to loyally cover their person. God is a "consuming fire", a fire that illuminates and clears the fields, sharp the thorns and brushwood in it. Embellish is the same: it is a fire that illuminates and warms the person that prays in the phantom of God and makes it appear relieve from the dirt and barrier of sin (28:42, 51).

But I worship the other thing Saint John of Sinai says about prayer, which is flavorful and distinctive. He says that prayer is the "tyranny of God", but a sacred tyranny (28:60). Yes! Whoever prays, my Christians, wrestles with God! Do not be surprised by what you capture. This is the way it is! Do you interpret me to pay a visit to you whatever thing else? Boring over distinctive and great is that God is not exultant in His wrestling come to an understanding with man, but man conquers God! This is when God bends to the burning prayers of His children and fulfills their burden. In other words, God is well brought-up to us. This is awesome! This is why we luggage compartment the Panagia "Gorgoepikoos" (Hurried to Protect)! While educate, according to the "Steps" of the majestic John, is the supreme virtue of the rector (see Score 4). This is why our Panagia, as the Abbess of Monks that she is, gives her example of educate and becomes well brought-up or "Epikoos" to the prayers of her children; she becomes Panagia Gorgoepikoos!

5. Offering are countless substance I desired to pay a visit to you, my brethren, from the experience of Saint John of Sinai, the paddock of the "Steps". I exceedingly desired to pay a visit to you about the virtue of tolerance, when all of us make countless countless heartfelt mistakes, which is why we could do with become disciples of the majestic John of Sinai by scheduled studying his book the "Steps".

Admission such books, my Christian brethren. You women (and men) who love beauty, go and read a book series called "Sweetie of the Adequate" ("Philokalia"). The books of the "Philokalia" preference bring in you a glittering goodnight, to make your person glittering. Trendy this book series is the "Steps" of Saint John of Sinai, of which I josh to you in a few words today.

Next countless prayers,


Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.