Sunday, August 9, 2009

Notes On Geomancy

Notes On Geomancy Cover

Book: Notes On Geomancy by Nick Farrell

What follows are instructions on Geomancy within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn structure. This book was written because, face it, Geomancy is considered a chore by most students. On one hand it seems complicated and on the other it is so deterministic that it makes it unattractive to anyone who likes to think about their divination.

The Golden Dawn system of Geomancy was based on Agrippa's fourth book, although it included a lot of very simple additional material which was not familiar to the medieval users of Geomancy. Some of this was good, such as the astrological system of placing the sigils in the houses, other sides of it were bad, such as the meanings of the planets in the houses.

While holding to most of the GD tradition, this book simplifies the system and attempts to modernise it using more recent interpretations of the planetary aspects. It also plays down a lot of the doom that is associated with some of the sigils. Unlike the medieval system which gave birth to Geomancy, we no longer see Saturn and Scorpio as the great malefics and regard them as teachers or even positive forces. This little book is mostly my notes. It was designed to bring together a lot of different teachings under one banner to make it easier for Paola to study. It is not complete, particularly when it comes to the method of interpretation which requires skill and reading on astrological interpretation. However it does give an idea which should improve most people's Geomancy readings.

Another thing that people should be aware of is that Geomancy readings get faster and more accurate with practice. Performing a reading a day on a different subject for a month will be enough. While it is still not as quick as a tarot divination, it is a lot more accurate and provides a great deal of detail. - Nick Farrell Rome August 2009

Download Nick Farrell's eBook: Notes On Geomancy

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - Notes On Pagan India
Henry Cornelius Agrippa - Of Geomancy
Nick Farrell - Notes On Geomancy