Dear Kee, my reply as follows:(NST) -- PAS' aspiration to introduce its interpretation of the Islamic law, or hudud, if the ill will alliance came hip power was excitably criticised at the MCA Youth and Wanita assemblies yesterday.(My salutation) -- Wee meant "...its (PAS') interpretation of the Islamic law, or hudud...".Exceed of all, it call for not be "...its interpretation of the Islamic law, or hudud...". Islamic law is called Shariah law and Hudud is one layer of the Shariah. So Islamic law (Shariah) and Hudud mean two one and the same substance.Secondly, grant is no such thing as "PAS'S Clarification OF ISLAMIC LAW". Either grant is such a thing called Islamic law or Shariah law or grant is no such thing. Is grant or is grant not such a thing called Islamic laws or Shariah laws?If grant are none plus how can the UIA (Broad-based Islamic Learned) proposal Shariah law courses and degrees? How can grant be Shariah laws, Shariah lawyers, Shariah panel of adjudicators and Shariah Courts? How can Muslims position penitence for burning up mouthful under the Shariah law?Islamic laws are called Shariah laws and Shariah laws are based on:1. Interpretations of the Qur'an.2. Interpretations of the Sunnah.3. Ijma or classlessness amongst scholars ("collectivist prudence").4. Qiyas/Ijtihad or analogical amputation ("disposition prudence").Can you see that the four items optional extra form the design of the Shariah?Hence grant is no such as PAS' interpretation of Islamic law. So, more to the point, Wee and/or MCA are either to be regarded with suspicion the population or are difficult to be in contact about everything they know nil about.The Shariah comes under six peak undergrowth as follows:1. Ibadah (ritual worship).2. Mu'amalat (connections and contracts).3. Adab (morals and deeds).4. I'tiqadat (beliefs).5. Uqubat (punishments).6. Munakahat (Islamic marriage jurisprudence).Communicate are four peak schools of Shariah law:1. Hanbali.2. Hanifi.3. Maliki.4. Shafi'i.Communicate are four categories of penitence under Islamic Penal Law:1. Qisas.2. Diyya.3. Hudud.4. Tazir.(NST) -- MCA Youth primitive Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong called on Malaysians to spurn laws based on deep theocracy and to heap scorn on Pas' style to implement hudud.(My salutation) -- Wee and MCA (and maybe you as well) do not understand the association concerning an Islamic License, the Shariah, Qisas, Diyya, Hudud and Tazir. One does not as good as the other, as they are one and the same issues.NST said: Wee Ka Siong called on Malaysians to spurn laws based on deep theocracy...That would mean spurn the Shariah, understandable and simple, like laws based on deep theocracy assets the Shariah. So this would more to the point mean Malaysia becomes a Material License wherever Muslims can become Christians and carry not fast or pray and can try mouthful and eat chicken, etc.(NST) -- Wee likened the mindset of Pas reign to one that belonged to the Faint Ages.(My salutation) - The Shariah is part of Islam. To say that the PAS reign belongs to the Faint Age assets Islam, the Ecclesiastic Muhammad, the Qur'an, etc., more to the point all belong to the Faint Ages and are no longer items. Is this what Wee and MCA mean? PAS quotes Islam. If PAS is inequality plus Islam is inequality, understandable and simple. PAS can without help be dim if Islam, the Ecclesiastic Muhammad and the Qur'an, etc., are dim.I re-examine, grant is no such thing as PAS' write or Umno's write of Islam. Communicate is without help one write like grant is without help one write of the Qur'an something else the Hallowed Books of some other religions wherever grant are oodles one and the same versions.I storm this clarifies why I say MCA is secularising Malaysia. That is what they are difficult to do. Communicate is no half-Islam circus as grant is no a small number of bit having a baby. Islam is all or nil.And, this, the kafirs do not look to understand or catch a glimpse of although they remark as if they are old pupils of Shariah law.