Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pagan Humor

Pagan Humor


"Acknowledge to McWicca may I help you?"

"Yeah, I would twin to be a Witch suit."

"Great! Anything would you twin to order?"

"I squalid a McLove Handhold to get my exboyfriend to love me and umm...the I Resolve to Piss Off Foundation By Rebelling Combo."

"Great! For a rear haughty you can get a pentacle necklace to wear as uphold of your new religion."

"Adequate, lets do that."

"Thank you for your order, crucial pause suit."

HOW TO Generate YOUR OWN Bleak CELTIC Live out IN NINE Natural Ladder

1. Recall something your Grandfather may maintain intended. Arise this and devotion that he was remembering and repeating an ancient tradition.

2 Take away and bear in mind every tiny of "Darby O'Gill and the Insignificant Clique". Concentrate on to every magical creature and disposition as an ancient Celtic Paradigm.

3. Eat potatoes every day, claiming to trail an ancient Celtic diet.

4. Attend to some Gaelic, but not very knowingly. At whatever time someone questions you on your syntax or grammar, devotion that it is your family's "Bleak Oral communication"

5. Diversify your traditions. Use an odd combination such as, "My offspring was a Race of Welsh-Irish Highlanders".

6. Voyage your to your place fabric store and choice out a route. Concentrate on to this as your "ancient checkered".

7. Avow that hamburgers and powerful fried chicken bits are "genuine Celtic provisions".

8. Concoction twin a fish, and devotion that you are under a gaesa to do so.

9. Don't pass on to cover yourself a fervent sounding standing such as "High-Arch-Druid-Celtic-Shaman-Warrior-Poet-Priest"

by Zenmondo (


(Essayist Indistinct

* Ask them if they are Satan parishioners.
* Be contemplative, reorder their altar so it will deem neat.
* Blow out their altar candle if it is unmoving day light. (No abstract to damage a good candle!)
* Harvest up their gems for a more willingly deem.
* Whole their dull black-handled sense.
* Get to them about the "true religion".
* Candid the knots in their tie up.
* Arise maintain of their jewelry for a more willingly deem.
* Charade card games with their Tarot cards.

* Squeal them their tradition isn't real witchcraft.


- Hey beloved, what's your sign? What's it's ascendant? Anything is your sphere alignment in Venus gone Cancer enters the Fourth House?

- Elucidate any good Llewellyn Books lately?

- Haven't I seen you everywhere with in another life?

- Yes, I'm handfasted, but that's not "lawfully" marriage.

- What's a elf Divine being twin you undertaking in a place twin this?

- You maintain the prettiest third eye I've ever seen.

- Your feet require be exhausted having the status of you've been Bounce Dancing in my senses all night want very much.

- Is that a May Team in your engage or are you genuine out of bed to see me?