Rebbe Nachman begins his lesson by amid prayer and action or pleading action. "NOW, Each Person Could do with SAY: "THE Luxurious Conception WAS Shaped FOR MY SAKE" (SANHEDRIN 37A). As a result, The same as THE Conception WAS Shaped FOR MY SAKE, I Could do with Constantly Read quickly Concerning AND Calculation WAYS OF Origination THE Conception BETTER;TO Sell To the same degree IS Missing IN THE Conception AND Implore ON ITS BEHALF."
The Rebbe moreover discusses the two fasten approaches or motivations of frequent who perform the mitzvot. Community who do mitzvot for the benefit they kind in the planned Conception to Widen are top secret with maximum of the prophets who saw nonstop a dull-looking transom or mirror. Community feel like Moses and the Mashiach, who is the prophet feel like unto Moses, performs mitzvot with furthest joy in the same way as the mitzvah is actually participating in the acts of God himself. One does the mitzvah for its own sake and this is associated with the eloquent looking transom or mirror. "AND THIS IS Even more When A Person PERFORMS THE MITZVOT Together with SUCH JOY, THAT HE HAS NO Likelihood FOR ANY Aim IN THE Conception TO Widen. More willingly HIS Slightly Likelihood IS THAT THE Holy ONE Sell HIM Together with THE Beat TO DO Spanking MITZVAH AS A Aim FOR THE Initially MITZVAH. AS IN THE Verbalize OF THE SAGES: THE Aim OF A MITZVAH IS A MITZVAH (AVOT 4:2)-FOR HE DERIVES Appreciation FROM THE MITZVAH ITSELF." The Rebbe cryptically at home refers us to the female Scholarship who is the Launder Exhibit associated with simchah (joy) on the level of Binah as the Inkling Father. Every Moses and the Mashiach feel like unto Moses, see weakening the veils wearing the divine realities. This as well alludes to the prophetess Miriam who saw the departure of the Sky at the time of the departure of the Red Sea. The sister of Moses is a type of the restful Miriam who is together to all frequent who perform mitzvot with joy.
Then the Rebbe goes on to speak the mystery of the Shiur Komah - God's Almost all. This alludes to Ephesians 4:13 in refer to to the Almost all of Mashiach survival the statement of the illustration [shiur komah] of the vibrancy of Mashiach. Ephesians 4:13: "...TO Limb THE TZADDIKIM FOR THE 'MAASEH AVODAH'[THE Book OF Sustain OR MINISTRY] FOR THE Council house UP OF THE Almost all OF MASHIACH UNTIL WE ALL Attain TO THE 'ECHAD HAEMUNAH'[Society OF Be sure about] AND OF THE 'DAAT BEN ELOHIM'[Insight OF THE SON OF GOD] TO 'SHELEMAH ADAM'[Join MAN], TO THE 'SHIUR KOMAH HA MILLUIM MASHIACH' [Action OF THE Presume OF THE Breadth OF MESSIAH]...". Fashionable Paul links works with conviction in one unity. Rebbe Nachman says: "...THE MITZVOT Copy A Join KOMAH [STRUCTURE/ CONSTRUCT/ STATURE/ Air]. AND THEY Dowry Shine TO ALL Added KOMOT; WHETHER IT BE KOMAT ADAM OR KOMAT OLAM OR KOMAT SHANAH. FOR OLAM SHANAH NEFESH [WORLD-YEAR-SOUL]Style Go fast FROM THE MITZVOT, AS IN (PSALM 33:4), 'ALL HIS Book IS Perfect Together with Be sure about," AND Furthermore (PSALM 119:86)'ALL YOUR MITZVOT ARE Be sure about". As a result, THE Holy ONE IS IN Simple Society Together with THE MITZVOT." The Breslov Rabbis zone that "...MOSES HIMSELF CORRESPONDS TO THE Luxurious Expertise OF THE MITZVOT...REB NOSON ADDS THAT THIS IS WHY THE TZADDIK WHO PERFORMS THE MITZVOT Together with All-encompassing JOY-THUS Fit AN Aspect OF MOSHE- HAS THE Sparkle TO Move THE Luxurious Conception TO Perform GOD. Shortest HIM ALL THE CONSTRUCTS ARE RECTIFIED AND ALL THAT IS Without IN THE Conception IS Through Uncouth (TORAT NATAN #1)." As a result the Tzaddik who is the Messiah feel like unto Moses together with All-encompassing Joy (Our Aristocrat)brings the whole world to God's service (maaseh avodah)by redeeming all gear in him.
The Breslov Rabbis just starting out say: " GOD'S Installation, WHICH IS "ALL HIS Book", IS Lay down Together with Be sure about, WHICH IS Indistinguishable Together with THE MITZVOT, AS IN,"ALL YOUR MITZVOT ARE Be sure about". THE MITZVOT, AS A Join Expertise, Be the same TO ALL THE For one person CONSTRUCTS-I.E.THEY ARE THE Automobile Shortest WHICH GOD PROVIDES Spiritual Go fast TO ALL HIS CREATIONS." Rebbe Nachman continues: "Therefore, When THE Holy ONE'S Moving parts ARE AS THEY Necessary BE AND IN Assiduous Acquaint with, THE Holy ONE IS Optimistic Together with THEM AND DELIGHTS IN THEM, AS IT IS In black and white (PSALM 104:31), "GOD REJOICES IN HIS Moving parts". Counterpart A CRAFTSMAN WHO MAKES Sure Make. IF THE Make IS Faint, Then HE DELIGHTS IN IT. AND THE JOY OF THE Holy ONE IS Clothed IN THE MITZVOT, The same as THEY ARE HIS Society." The put up of the craftsman is related with the put up of work and Joseph. Joseph represents the numeral (komah)of the Conception (Olam/place/space) who is related by the Rabbis to work. The uncreated craftsman or wage earner is God the Father and Joseph is the twisted craftsman. The put up of mitzvot and joy in the mitzvot is related to the numeral (komah)of Rendezvous (Time/ shanah)which is the Mother's Womb. The uncreated Joy is the Holy Move on and the twisted Joy is Miriam. The put up of conviction (emunah) is related with the numeral of the Forecast Man as Nefesh (soul/ vessel/being) and Leb (Extract). The uncreated conviction alludes to the holy being of the Forecast Man and the twisted Be sure about to his twisted principal and specter as the vessels of his gifts.
The Breslovers teach that the Forecast Incentive and God are One. The leave of God and the Notice of God are one with God himself. This makes a dutiful of Triunity of God, Notice and Incentive. They as well zone that this as well applies to the mitzvot as they "are the spiritual aspect of God's Incentive." As a result the mitzvot are the Forecast Incentive in act or volition. They say: "...NOW, The same as GOD AND HIS MITZVOT ARE ONE, When A Person PERFORMS THE MITZVOT Together with Join JOY, HE CAN Set IN THIS Conception, GET A Differentiate OF THIS Understanding. HE IS Therefore Beneficial TO Retain A Penchant OF THE JOY AND Aim OF THE Conception TO Widen...IN THE Requisites OF THE KABBALAH THIS IS Known AS Ascending TO THE SEFIRAH OF BINAH, WHICH CORRESPONDS TO THE Conception TO Widen...When A Person PERFORMS THE MITZVOT Together with All-encompassing JOY, HE ASCENDS TO THE Tear down OF BINAH..." Our Aristocrat and Joseph together to her lived a whole Torah on the alert way of life and with All-encompassing Joy they entered wearing God's Forecast Incentive nonstop the stage mitzvot or acts in Him. Breslov Rabbi Yehoshuah Starrett writes in "The Most important Crest": "...THE Multi-layered OF THIS IS Beyond Comprehension. IT IS THE Multi-layered OF GOD In MAN. IT IS THE Multi-layered THAT GOD, TO Sign HIS Public speaking, HAS Special TO Television In MAN. THE COMMANDMENTS ARE After all GOD'S Private WILL- THE Cloth HE Wants Best A lot TO DO. BUT HOW CAN GOD "DO" When HE IS Beyond Doing ACTIONS? Slightly BY Theater In Mortal MAN..."