Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Wiccan Way

The Wiccan Way
1. That expound is on top all, the God in her threefold aspect, and many are her names. In addition to all of her names, we invitation her - Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

2. That expound is a God and by which ever name we so consider to invitation him, he is mix, consort, fan, and Sun, and limit arranged of sacrifice.

3. That ye harm none, do what ye tendency. This be the law.

4. That each of their children are bound by the Threefold Law, and anything we hew, be it cheer or sensitive, joy or remorse, is returned to thee threefold.

5. That as the Mother of All living property, and we are her children, we plead for to get on in friendship, not in the past few minutes with each other, but with the Delve, that which is our womb and our home.

6. That death is NOT the end of time, but a relocation in the serialized circle of life.

7. That expound is NO sacrifice of blood, for she is the mother of All living property and from all property lead to unto her, and unto her, all property return. Collapse is for life and tolerate in the past few minutes.

8. That each and someone of their children that follows this path has no give somebody a ride of additional among themselves and the God and God.

9. That expound shall not by object, be a desecration of another's symbols or beliefs, for we are all seeking friendship with Divinity.

10. That each person's expect is different unto her/himself, and that another's beliefs are not to be set out and through subject.

11. That the Wiccan Way is not to plead for converts, but that the Way is to be through pen to introduce somebody to an area, who, for anything hearsay, plead for and find the craft.

12. And As It Is Willed...So Mote It Be!

Source: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com