Book: The English Physitian Or An Astrologo Physical Discourse Of The Vulgar Herbs Of This Nation by Nich Culpeper
The Subject which I here fixed my thoughts upon is not only the
Description and Nature of Herbs, which had it been all, I had authority sufficient to bear me out in it, for Solomon employed part of that wisdom he asked, and received of God in searching after them, which he wrote in Books, even of all Herbs, Plants and Trees; some say those
Writings were carried to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar; being kept in the Temple at Jerusalem for the publick view of the People, but being transported to Babylon in the Captivity, Alexander the GREAT TYRANT at the taking of Babylon gave them to his Master Aristotle, who committed them to the mercy of the fire.
All that have written of Herbs either in the English or not in the English Tongue, have no waies answered my intents in this Book, for they have intermixed many, nay very many outlandish Herbs, and very many which are hard, nay not at all to be gotten, and what harm this may do I am very sensible of. Once a Student in Physick in Sussex sent up to London to me, to buy for him such and such Medicines, and send them down, which when I viewed, they were Medicines quoted by authors living in another Nation, and not to be had in London for Love nor Money, so the poor man had spent much pains and Brains in
Studying Medicines for a Disease that were not to be had; so a man reading Gerards or Parkinsons Herbal for the Cure of a Disease so may as like as not, light on an Herb that is not here to be had, or not without great diffuculty, if possible; but in mine, all grow neer him. Nich Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrologie
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Peter Carroll - The Magical Pact Of The Illuminnates Of ThanaterosHenry Andrew Francken - The Key Of Masonry Philosophical Lodge Of The Knights Of The Eagle Or SunNich Culpeper - The English Physitian Or An Astrologo Physical Discourse Of The Vulgar Herbs Of This Nation