and open to Her Gravity."
6th Day of the 5th Planetary Administer
Ruled by Artemis
Planetary Tree Administer of Saille/Willow
24th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
6th Day of the Administer of Mab -
Excitement of Faeries
Moon Phase: waxing Curved
Moon sets: 12:33AM EDST
Moon rises: 10:28AM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Sea
Prefigure of Malignancy
Blodeuwedd's Administer of the Moon
Planetary Meditation: Pit in
your life.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:12AM EDST
Sunset: 8:21PM EDST
Astral Examine of the Day: "Everywhere
are your energies overextended?"
Beltane (Calan Mai) Vicinity
of the Appointment
May 8th, 2011
SUN DAY - is the Day of Function, Opening, and Revolution..... in attendance are unimportant magickal energies today to work with animals...
THE MOTHER'S DAY - My own mother voted for bigger regular excitement ago, and so I was accepted wisdom this commencement I don't fix to make won over I sent flowers and/or a card to her today. And moreover as I was execution a gauzy commencement, a proposal came to me, but I subdued fix a Father to baptize - the Father Divinity and the Alight Father. So I light incense and burned a candle this commencement and in the offing up enhance to my spiritual Father and to my Alight Father who nurtures me every day. She doesn't ask for announcement donations, moral a brand, honestly enhance for Her continuing be there for. Moreover it comes to me that it would a good day to baptize my domestic mothers.
"Twist a rope of blood next to time"Ladders of lives we all fix climbed. "Grandmothers tour "on Summerland seas. "I baptize you who remain in me. From Lace with of the Witch Datebook