First of all lets look at the first concept of fate. Fate meaning a predetermined or pre-existing line of time to a particular point.. Was I meant to be an online writer? Were you meant to be doing what you are doing now? If so then fate is everywhere. We were meant to be where we are now, doing what we do and experiencing what we experience because fate says so.. Fate determines our future and now with this concept, so fighting it is only going to bring you back to the same fate anyways.
In the second concept fate is part of life, but we are in control partly to how fate is played. As an example fate tells us we will marry, but to who is our choice. Or fate tells us we will be wealthy one day, but how the wealth is created is up to us.. This concept differs from concept one in that fate gives us a guide but is not the absolute truth..
In the third concept of fate, it is controlled by the individual and determined by what you do in your life and conditioning. In this concept fate is bound by your decisions and your decisions alone. You determine your own fate in a way.
1. First of all if Fate is Real, then to what degree is fate controlling us..?
2. If we control our own fate then why do similar of familiar patterns seem to appear in our lives? Is this just conditioning?
3. If everything is fate then does that mean we are less in control than we think of our lives.?
4. Is fate a word to make us feel better in bad parts of our lives.?
5. Is fate a description to enhance good parts of our lives..? It was fate that I met you for an example with a loving relationship..
Can we all really choose what we want or are we doing what fate already decided? In many cultures and religions around the world the answer is it is all predetermined from birth. This concept sounds okay to those in a fortunate positions, but to those being brought up in poverty it sounds a bit of not a fair choice.
This asks another aspect of Fate to depending on where you live. To some Fate may mean just getting out of poverty, where as to another it may be just a simple choice in ones safe life they believe was predetermined.
"Is it a persons fate to die of starvation or to die of a horrible disease, which is common in many poor nations across the world..? If so, is Fate a punishment for those that did bad things in past lives? So many questions.. What do you think..?"
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