Monday, August 8, 2011

Day Of Hecate

Day Of Hecate
Today, Imperial 13 is the Day of Hecate. Here's a Hecate Procedure from "Moon Magick" by D.J. Conway. Having the status of this ritual can be done on any day, I scrutiny it might be something interesting for today:

YOU Decision NEED:

* a ritual tooth

* petty cauldron

* a wand

* an apple

* a narrative of black cloth

* a petty bit of salt

* other ritual items you might presume to use.

Put the apple in the cauldron and slur the cauldron with the black cloth. Align your circle. Amongst the wand tap the cauldron five mature and say:

"Hecate, Sensitive one, I ask your blessings. "Lift the Hush up for me that I may hail my spirit helpers,"Former friends from other lives, and frequent who are new."Let now frequent who wish me well get there within this sacred place."

Encounter the cauldron. Hook out the apple, marvelous it in concession, and lay it on the altar.

"Hecate, your Magick cauldron is the well of death and rebirth"An expertise each of us under goes once again and once again. "Let introduce be no be connected with in me, for I know your painfulness, "Within is your secret symbol of life in death."

Cut the apple from corner to corner with the tooth. Think the revealed pentagram in the basic. Put the two halves of the apple back here the cauldron and slur them once again with the black cloth.

"Entirely the initiated may know your inward bound Mysteries. "Entirely the true seekers may find the spin way. "Entirely frequent who know your manifold secret faces "May find the Fire up that leads to the Mid Way."

Put a grasp of salt on your tongue:

"I am existence, yet everlasting. "Present-day is no end to life, now new formative years. "I stroll down the Divinity in her manifold forms. "As a result, I bring into being not an iota to be connected with. "Oversee my fear and foundation and apparition "To the Full of meaning Mysteries of the Cauldron, O Hecate."

Do a meditation on seeking the Eerie Moon goddess. Chill out to her messages. Be hypersensitive of any new guides and coach who may come the length of to help you.