Thursday, August 18, 2011

Greek Gods And Goddesses Iv

Greek Gods And Goddesses Iv



"The primordial gods or "Protogenoi" of Greek mythology were the basic components of the universe which were emerged at brew. They included World, Air, Sea, Sky, Bottle green Hose down, Criminal world, Dimness, Dimness, Optimistic, Day, Dissemination and Spot."............................................................


Divinity of night.

NYX The Protogenos of night, Nyx drew the dark mists of her socialize, Erebus, tangentially the expose at night, cloaking the resplendent light of the heavenly aether. Her anthropomorphic form was of a woman wholesome in star-spangled wrap.

AETHER (Aither) The Protogenos of the mists of light which enter the improve on zones of air. His element lay underneath the arch of heaven's dome, but high bigger the posturing of the lethal realm.

ANANKE The Protogeonos of inexorableness

ANANKE, cruelty and poverty. She was the comrade of Chronus (Spot) and comparable him was an intangible, serpentine particularized who indirect rotating tell the whole of brew.Formal (Khaos) The Protogenos of the sleek air. She burdened the gap between the resplendent mists of the heavenly aither and the found of the earth. From Formal were descended the other airs: Erebus (vagueness), Nyx (night), Aether (light), Hemera (day); as well as the plants. In words of one syllable too late exemplary writers check Khaos as a primordial way out of the elements.

CHRONOS (Khronos) The Protogenos of time was the very formerly particularized to external at brew self-formed. He was a three-headed, intangible particularized with serpentine shadow, who circled the whole of brew, entangled with his socialize Ananke.

EREBUS (Erebos) The Protogenos of the mists of vagueness. His dark element was sunk wearing the hollows of the earth, and encircled the hopeless realm of the underworld.

EROS The Protegonos of daylight. He was renowned as Phanes or Protogonos, distinguishing him from the younger Eros, Aphrodite's son. He was one of the formerly beings to external at brew, and caused the universe to breed.

GAEA (Gaia) The Protogenos of the earth. Blood relation World emerged at the beginning of brew to form the pioneer of the universe. Gaea was one of the few Protogenoi to be depicted in anthropomorphic form, excluding even as such she was vetoed as a woman to some extent risen from the countryside, inseperable from her regional form.

HEMERA The Protogenos of the day, rose up from the ends of the earth to spread out the dark mists of night, increase tangentially the expose by her mother Nyx, and reveal to the earth underside the resplendent incandescent earthy of the Aether, her protogenic socialize.HYDROS The Protogenos of water. Together with the earth he formed the primordial Mud. Hydros was largely equated with the earth-encircling, fresh-water Titan Oceanus.

NESOI The Protogenoi of the islands. Their hilly forms were useless from the earth by Poseidon and cast wearing the sea.

OCEANUS (Okeanos) The Protogenos of the incalculable earth-encircling, fresh-water onslaught Oceanus. From his route every onslaught, swoop and rain-bearing haziness was sprung. His anthropomorphic form was that of a horned man with the shadow of a serpentine bait in place of legs.

OUREA The Protogenoi of the mountains. Their hilly forms were untrained of Gaea the World.

PHANES The Protogenos of daylight, the creator-god. He was sprung from a silver egg, the take the stones out of of brew, at the beginning of time, and set the universe in order. Phanes was moreover named Eros or slightly Protogonos (the Fundamental Untrained). According to some Zeus swallowed him whole o alight warrant higher than the universe.

PHUSIS The Protogenos of profile. "Blood relation Profile" was one of the formerly beings to external at brew. She was connected to all Gaea and Tethys.

PONTUS (Pontos) The Protogenos of the sea. He sprung from Gaea the World at the beginning of brew, following the elements of the universe were set in their principled order.

TARTARUS (Tartaros) The Protogenos of the incalculable blustery pit which lay underneath the heredity of the earth. He was the anti-heaven: reasonable as the dome of illusion stooped high bigger the earth, Tartarus stooped underneath her. The Titans were confined in his subdued.

TETHYS The Protogenos of the route of fresh-water. She was an aspect of all-nourishing Blood relation Profile. From Tethys and her other half Oceanus the rivers, springs and smoke drew their waters.

THALASSA The Protogenos of the sea or sea's evolve. She was untrained of Aether (light) and Hemera (day). Mixing with the sound waters of Pontus (sea) Thalassa spawned the schools of bait.

Dissertation The Protogenos of brew. She was matching to Tethys, Blood relation Nature's incalculable act toward.

URANUS (Ouranos) The Protogenos of the scenery dome of illusion, whose form lingering from one horizon to the other. He sprung forth from Gaea the World at the beginning of brew. Progressive his son Cronus, detained and castrated him, as he descended to socialize with Blood relation World.

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