Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pentacle Reading With The Llewellyn Tarot

Pentacle Reading With The Llewellyn Tarot Image

Reading for Natalie


Deck used -Llewellyn Tarot -

The Past - Five of Cups - This card is about emotional loss and being completely in that moment and energy. This is about withdrawing into that space and not being able to see the illumination and light around you and in the situation, it was raw and it hit very hard. There is however hope, depicted by the two cups at the figures back, that there is love, divine, self and ultimately partnership (two cups remaining standing, two of cups being a relationship card).

The Present - Two of Wands - Being creative and beginning to look at things differently, you have come out of the five of cups energy and are now planning for a new future and beginning. You are examining your life, and on more than one level and have started to see the divine lessons and reasons for the past. You are wiser and can see the sun.

The Near Future - Six of Wands - Victory and success. Confidence is self and feeling balanced.

Surrounding Energies - Ace of Pentacles - This is the raw element of the suit of pentacles. As your question was not about money, or the material realms, this vibrates to the fact that you are ready to find your place in the world and the person to grow with you.

Attitude - Five of Pentacles - This is one of the key cards in this reading, this is a very harsh card visually. You may feel like you have been robbed or are being left out of what others have, looking in at the feast of Stephens, others warm, happy whilst you have nothing. The main thing to remember about this card is that if you bring this attitude into your next relationship you will sabotage it.

Outcome - Queen of Swords - This Queen indicates success through clarity of thought and planning, which relates back to the two of wands.

Answer - Four of Swords - It is time to rest and a time to enjoy your space and the quiet time. For soon, you may not have the opportunity to.

The overall energy of this reading - Through experience and rest, you now know what you want. With the word 'planning' coming through this reading more than once, it indicates that you are in a mapping phase of your journey. Look at the questions of - what do you want in the next five, ten, fifteen years of your life? What to you makes an amazing relationship and what have you learnt for yourself. You are going to get what you wish for as you got the star come up as the next supporting card (not shown in the picture) which is the wishes fulfilled card. You also got the Knight of Pentacles, so I wouldn't be surprised if your man is not incredibly passionate, has travelled a lot (and still wants to - will probably want to take you with him). Earth sign for his zodiac or works with his hands. Another note - with all of the swords and wands, be a little more discerning and give as much to yourself as I know you would to your partner, for if you do not receive what you give, you may go back to the five or cups and feel like the five of pentacles again.

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