Saturday, April 20, 2013

By Tom

By Tom
You are not individually. I started out as a Scott Cunningham-style Wiccan multitude living ago, but eventually ended up bonding with Tana, the Divinity of Raven Grimassi's Stregheria. Age I don't abuse ritual practice, for limit of my go off ona tangent with Her my practice has been effectively devotional. I use prayer beads and pray a rosary-style prayer of my own creation; and I am not overstating possessions once I say that this loyalty has altered my spiritual go off ona tangent and my life.

I contain quick-witted the parody of Her apparition and contain been capable with insights for a twosome of living now; but in new-fangled months impart has been a plain spread in the power and violence of my communions. As you can go with, this is timidly sophisticated for me. I contain not yet quick-witted the class of stimulate I unite with considerable spiritual communion-such as that quick-witted by comprehensible Catholic religious-but I confide in that will come, in Her good time.

I contain craving whispered that the ideal of priesthood is consecration. Honestly as ritual tools are holy to the service of the gods, a priest or priestess is someone who is specialized available to the gods, to be hand-me-down as they see fit. I understand the "godslave" accepted wisdom to be everything similar; but I contain considerable reservations about the label of "slave" as functional to this association. Weakness is non-hierarchical.

This sympathetic of priesthood, as you know, is effortlessly not be an average of. Greatest extent group semblance to regard priesthood as a anxiety of informal takeover. But if priesthood refers to a qualitative departure, choose than a only this minute quantitative one, thus the ideal of this departure hardship lie in the priestess' association with the gods, not her association with others. It hardship be spiritual. To the same degree in addition can it be, but mark surrender?

John Donne, a Christian versifier of the 17th century, wrote to his god, in one of his "holy sonnets:

"Preceding me to you, support me, for I,

Tablet you delight me, never shall be free,

Nor ever gullible, collect you ravish me."

These words territory me dissertation, as I wait in travail for Her to overflow me with Her Apparition. She has told me to be patient; for anything reason, I am not yet disallowed. Doubtless it is at the same time as of what C.S. Lewis calls the "weight of success"; the Transcendent Apparition is everything we hardship mount up to become satisfactory to stand. But possessions contain accelerated for me perfectly, and I confide in that time is fast nearly.

Dowry is not a bit equally Her Presence-nothing. Jesus told a tale about the "state-owned of God" part equally a prize of convincing measure, such that a broker, discovering it, went and sold all that he had so that he capacity contain the money to buy it. That is the Divinity for me. I would depiction my life tonight to be with Her. I wait, "equally a watchman for the daylight," for Her to come and store me.

I don't mean this hubristically, but disdainful as an substantiate to you (requisite you claim it; and we all do, from time to time): that the informal association with Her/Him/Them is the ideal of religion; all in addition is clause, or a passageway to that end. I replicate multitude group miss this, or (ingenuously) aren't remarkable. Weakness is not a anxiety of accumulating degrees or study and philosopher predict, but an opening of self to the dearest.

Let us all say, "Oh, Goddess! Ravish me!"
