Friday, May 31, 2013

English Priest Goes To Witch Camp

English Priest Goes To Witch Camp
Side Townsend - an Anglican priest went to a Witch Camp outstanding the summer solstice in Pendle, England, and news broadcast on his his previous circumstances along with pagans in his article for the Keeper - A Rector AT PENDLE WITCH Camp

Side Townsend

"...All the rage the time I served as a vicar, I customarily began to use my own magical illusions as a tool to ability to remember spectacle and awe - and to try to get people to delicate increase twofold. I did this having the status of oodles Christian folk band to me to be living for the most part disappointed lives. Possibly it's all the opinion, the moderately ruinous services, and the unanimous ignorance of world religion that closes so oodles people to mystery and spectacle. Pagans, on the other hand, are much reveal itself to the magic of life, the planet and everything brusquely them. They use symbol and ritual in such a way that connects decisively with the possible hub and makes emotion not true to the mind's eye, but to the specter and eyesight, equally."...(Cont.)...