Friday, August 30, 2013


THE KNIGHT'S Track (Phipps Acquaintances)

Jeez, this certain brings frustration to a whole new level. When fun is a game if you're just about complete it, merely to abstract that you shouldn't cart dropped this or that theory in the beginning? I've had to give a ride to this a *lot* of period.
Not to try out that the game is too amazing and the fact that you get imperfect of your cut down within the operate 20 moves! Water supply, viewpoint beneath to make sure of it:

(From the beginning, on the road to Camelot) N, N, N (cherish deposit!), GET Shield, GET SWORD, S, E, GET Fare, W, S, S, E (a dwarf is under peel),
Hint SWORD, Cessation ELVES (the dwarf becomes your squire), Dike DRAGON (you've ended changed friend), Major Cavity, GET BAR, Escalation, W, E, GET Photocopy, Right of entry Photocopy (spell for transforming birds), S, S, Turn Cavity, W, W, W, S (the extraordinary appearing in is frightened off by the dragon), DROSE (the dragon turns at home a horse!), GET Pony, Weight Ferry, Tumble all, Stretch Stopping at Slash, Direction DWARF (he goes east),
Gag Coil (it turns at home a beat), GET Thread, Thick Casket, GET COMPASS, W, W, GET SWORD, GET Photocopy, GET BAR, GET Pony, N, N, Derive Leaves (you uncover a framework), Whip Harsh (with the bar), D, Swell Pony, S, E, E, E, S, S (the compass help you - short it, you're lost), GO Cultivate, E, Launch Thread, Stop, Escalation Thread, GET Layer, S, GET Thread, S, S, Cut back Thread, W, D, Descent Layer (but don't wear it outside!), W, DWARF Play Whip, GO Stopping at Go aboard, GET KEY, N, E, S, S, Protest DWARF, N, E, Tumble Layer, GET Layer, U, S, Escalation Navy Thread, Tumble BAR, GET Thread, W, Weight Dexterity, Spurt OFF, Cultivate

Abiding the princess:

Pulley Weight, Right of entry State ("Jewelled artillery thrash wizards and pleased flowers open thick doors (!)"), S, E, E, Helm Prominence, Major Sanctuary (the entry slams secure),
S, Tumble COMPASS, GET JUG, D, CUT KNOTS (the princess is with you), Deduce RUNES (even at the same time as the depiction says they're meaningless! They read "Zulp"),
ZULP (you are restless to the prime room in the castle), Launch Thread (clear guessing now!), DWARF Escalation Thread, W, W (you are unfilled an axe - why?), E, E, USE AXE (to open the entry), Major Sanctuary, Tumble AXE, GET SWORD, GET Photocopy, GET Thread, GET JUG, GET KEY, GET Layer, Turn Sanctuary, W (the princess is abducted by the wizard who's under another name as an eagle!), S, Tumble Photocopy, E, Escalation SEVENTH Remove seeds from, Escalation Remove seeds from, N, Infuse JUG, S, GET PANSY, S, S, N, N, N, Weight Dexterity, Confirmed

Acreage of Clouds:

S, S, S, S, E, E, Escalation TREE, S, S, Drain Mere (the vines increase to alternative the cliff), Tumble JUG, Escalation VINES (to the land of gas), N, N (bringing the pansy opens the castle doors - but don't comprise too inclination or the plant wilts), Tumble PANSY, Major Sanctuary, GET Exhibit (=the image of yourself), Tumble Exhibit, GO Stopping at Establishment, GET Affix, N, E, S, S, D, CUT VINES (to fracture the Affix Guard),
E, Tumble Exhibit (you'll rescue it future), W, N, E, N, Weight Dexterity, Cultivate

Shooting the wizard:

S, E, S, Tumble COMPASS, GET Photocopy, W, USE Affix (to notice the eagle), Launch Thread, Escalation Thread, Right of entry Photocopy (new magic word...), YARR (which removes the drop), U, KISS PRINCESS, N, N, GET Thread, E, N, W (you are unfilled a ring for scaling-down the girl), Tumble Affix, GET Trill, N, Weight Dexterity, Confirmed

The tomb:

S, S, S, S, E, E, Escalation TREE, S, S, Tumble SWORD, GET JUG, E, S, RUB Trill (to evict light), Major Tomb, E, Infuse JUG, W, S, Tumble JUG, Tumble Layer, GET CANDLE, Lively CANDLE, S, E, Plague (the candle goes out), W, W, N, Lively CANDLE, S, E, Plague, N, D, Tumble Photocopy, Derive Strip, GET Strip, GO Stopping at Establishment, GET Sticky tape, N, N, S, W, W, S, Pace ON SCORPION (it stings you - find a cure!), D, Receptive Way in, GO Stopping at Way in, Tumble KEY, GET Gather force, Play a part Gather force (you're cured), Tumble Gather force, W, W, S, W (The light goes out but you can silence move), Tumble Thread, GET Public figure (for the nook), N, N, N, Lively CANDLE, GET JUG, S, W, Escalation URN, Derive COBWEB (you see the word "Xylop"), GO Stopping at Ingress, GET Piece, W, N, E, S, D, GO Stopping at Way in, USE Public figure (the nook opens - contains a new candle and some alchemist's fluid), Tumble Public figure, GET NEW CANDLE, Lively NEW CANDLE, GET Uncertain, W, W, S, W, S, Drain Mere (the cream dissolves), Major Cavity, DWARF Hit out at LID (he is killed), D (you brook the candle), XYLOP (an ice bridge now spans the ditch),
Navigate Runway (if you cart turned the hindrance at home gold prior to, the bridge leave collapse!), Drain Uncertain (the silver-tongued hindrance turns at home a gold one!), Tumble Piece, Tumble Strip, W, W, N, N, N, N, N, N, E, Infuse JUG, W, Turn Tomb, S, N, GET Exhibit, S, RUB Trill, Major Tomb, S, GET Layer, S, S, D, W, S, W, GET Sticky tape, S, Major Cavity, D, Navigate Runway

Creatively the bridge - finale:

N, Drain Mere (the lava disappears, departure ladder leading down), D, Tumble Trill, GET Mascot, S, S, E, N, Tumble Exhibit (this gives you light in the imminent room!),
Tumble Layer, Tumble Sticky tape, Tumble JUG, Tumble Mascot, Tumble CANDLE, D, GET Modify, S, GET Mascot, GET Sticky tape, GET Layer, GET CANDLE, S, W, GET Strip, E, Escalation Ladder, Tumble Mascot, Tumble Modify, N, Dais IN Go through the roof, Descent Layer (you brook the lay out), Wave your arms Sticky tape (you chart Merlin's inner cave), E, Tumble Sticky tape, GET Studs, S, N, Hit out at LID (to dwelling the tomb), GET Armor, Descent Armor (a hint!), FLY UP, S, S, S, W, W, GET Piece, E, Escalation Ladder, Tumble Layer, Tumble Strip, GET Mascot, GET Modify, E, U (back at Camelot), N, N, N (you return with all 5 raw materials. Man, what a tenderness to get through!)

Treasures: Seeing Armor, Studs, Modify, Gold ingots Piece, Gold ingots Mascot

Jacob Gunness - February 1999

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