Thursday, November 13, 2008


Lexicon OF Qualifications Steadily Recycled IN WICCA
Copyright 1992 by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara

AKASHA- the spiritual ether (or Aether); the serious fifth occult element which embraces the other four- earth, air, fire, and water; and from which they come. This is the realm of "instance" or causality, from which the realm the as a rule whispered of "five debate manifests. Guaranteed define it is the "other" of the "two worlds" that the witch or magician walks in the company of.

ARADIA- Kid of the Divinity Diana, and a name for the Divinity recycled by Italian Witches or Strega, widely recycled in innumerable Wiccan traditions today.

ASPECTING- Any advanced magickal appeal in which a practitioner manifests a solo aspect of the Divinity or God, in whispered, atmosphere, conduct, appearance, etc.; Methodically as a request attain of a "Knack Down". Methodically a less important alter of this phenomena occurs with the mixture of a "Enchantment Designate", of Vessel Designate.

ASPECTS- Forms, facets, or personas of Deity: for prototype, Brighid, Iseult, Eos, and Kore are all aspects of the Maiden, and the Maiden is an aspect of the Divinity.

ATHAME- black handled, backup edged incisor. Markedly recycled to cast and disappear the circle, for which purposes it is interchangeable with the magic sword. A tool of the "Thread" of Rage in the Georgian Custom and some others.

BELTANE- May Eve extravaganza. One of the Old Celtic "Rage Festivals." on this night, the provide were incited in the company of two bonfires to protect them from corruption.
Couples wishing for strength would " jump the fires" on Beltane night. Alike the traditional Sabbath somewhere the code of the "Increase of the Meeting" is returned to the Divinity. This Celebration also pathway the transition core of the threefold Divinity energies from people of Maiden to Father.

Hire OF SHADOWS- Typically hand phony book of rituals, recipes, training techniques, information, and other materials deemed disparaging to a Witch or a coven. Both tradition has it's own typical archetypal of the Hire and each Witch's book character be unconventional as he or she adds to it with time from innumerable unconventional sources. Only distinctive Witch can see your book of shadows. Alike, usually, it may never give up your hands or habitation until death, for instance it requirement be in pieces, or (in some traditions) returned to the coven to be organized of.

In flames TIMES- a moniker recycled by some Witches for the era of pestering in the Intimate Ages and then. It is in fact a misnomer in some sitting room, as Witches were emphatically burned in Scotland, and on the continent of Europe. In England and the U.S., they were hanged.

CANDLEMAS- Celebration held on Feb. 1. One of the 4 Celtic "Rage Festivals.
Commemorates the variable of the Divinity from the Crone to the Maiden.
Celebrates the imaginative signs of Healthy. Alike called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name). This is the emigrant conversion somewhere the imaginative signs of grow and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the imaginative developing of foliage, the developing of the Crocus plants etc. In other words, it is the extravaganza commemorating the engaging abruptly of winter and the beginning of the agricultural time. This Celebration also pathway the transition core of the threefold Divinity energies from people of Crone to Maiden.

CARDINAL POINTS- North, South, East, and West, finish in the Georgian Custom by candles of green, red, fair-haired, and low point, each. The Orbit is worn-down to assemble these four points.

CHALICE- one of the tools of the Witch. Placed on the altar to represent the element of Water.

Maintenance OF THE GODDESS- The Ensign words of the Divinity to her cronies, or
"out of sight children". In general declaimed by the HPS at every coven Orbit.

CIRCLE- the fork in which the magickal deify and spells takes place. Can also be recycled to delegate a solo group of Witches or Pagans such as "Snowy Acorn Orbit".

Conduit OF POWER- power raised in the circle by the Witches assembled, and sent out appearing in the world to work magick, is usually visualized as party retained and built in the form of a "cone-shaped tool" beforehand to rescue.

COVEN- an unadulterated group of Witches, led by a Delighted priestess and/or a Delighted Reverend who give somebody no option but to by and large for deify and fellowship. The traditional chipping in is 13, but in fact upper limit covens itemize thriving less. 3 is the negligible in the Georgian Custom. In Intimate English, "Covin" a group of confederates; In Old French "Covine" a band or group with a single purpose; Latin "Com"-together,
"Venire"-to come or move.

COVENSTEAD- repeated coming together place for a coven. Usually the home of the Delighted Priestess or Delighted Reverend.

COWAN- a non-Witch. Put money on recycled in a very critical chic. Motionless recycled in Masonic Sacrament to end the non initiate and/or counterfeit to "real craft".
Not methodically recycled today among upper limit Witches.

COYOTE ENERGY- clown energies. Named for the American Indian Con artist, Coyote, who powerful man appearing in learning what he needs to learn. Applies to one who repeatedly jokes and clowns. Alike applies to the assumption of "Holy Clown" in innumerable traditions.

Crabby Theme DAYS- The modern name for the Celtic Rage Festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas.

DEOSIL- clockwise, or sunwise. Ensign sect for working "detached house"

Knack Down THE MOON- Sacrament chant of the spirit of the Divinity appearing in the appear of the Delighted Priestess by the Delighted Reverend.

DIVINATION- magical method of seek or issue appearing in a country via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, I-Ching, etc.

ELEMENTS- Territory, air, fire, and water, plus spirit, which includes them all.
These are regarded as realms or categories of appearance (every one natural and non- natural) and are not to be bamboozled with the physicists think of elements, which the modern witch, of course, accepts.

ESBAT- paper or biweekly coming together of a coven. Typically held either on the full moon or the new moon.

FAMILIARS- Either a Witch's pet animal which has been practiced to be a magickal junior, or an inexplicably fashioned "elemental" which performs the awfully functions as the animal friend.

FIVEFOLD KISS, FIVEFOLD SALUTE- The Witches' ritual salute, with kisses; (1) on each source, (2) on each tour, (3) more the pubic hair, (4) on each breast, and
(5) on the lips- really 8 kisses in all. It is emphatically recycled within the Orbit, but the words that go with it are the origin of "Divine Be."

GARDNERIANS- Custom of Witchcraft descended from the teachings of Gerald Gardner.

GNOMES- an "exclusive" or "elemental" that dwells in the out-and-out of Territory or is coupled with the Territory Thread.

Superb RITE- The rite which is the enter device of the third streamer initiation, and which is also laid down for clear festivals. It is sexual in appearance, but may be `actual' (and individualistic to the couples paying attention) or representative, as the participants wish.

HALLOWS- name recycled by some traditions for Samhain, or Halloween.

HANDFASTING- Wiccan identical of a wedding. It can be ended sensible if the Priestess and/or Reverend are registered as clergy with the civil firm, or it may emphatically be calculated binding within the coven.

Delighted PRIEST/ESS- Technically sermon, a Witch who has received the 3rd streamer initiation. Finer usually, the male and female leaders of a coven.
IMBOLC- Celtic name for Candlemas.

INVOCATION- The ritual "calling-in" of an exclusive (or energies) highly developed than human, either for facts with the caller complete a medium or by definite expression or extremely to convey appearing in a human appear as in the Knack Down the Moon. In some traditions, a Thanks.

LAMMAS- Noble 1st. Witch Celebration. The Old Celtic name for this extravaganza is Lughnassadh. It is the Celebration of the Topmost Fruits, and is the imaginative of the 3 harvests. This extravaganza also pathway the conversion of the Threefold Divinity energies from that of Father to Crone.

MAIDEN- An make contact held by one of the women of the coven. She is virtually the haunt Delighted Priestess. This moniker is also the evocative moniker recycled to lure the imaginative of the aspects of the Threefold Divinity Energies (Maiden, Father, and Crone). It is usually coupled with the Waxing Moon, and the era from Imbolc (Candlemas) to Beltane (May eve) somewhere the energies are people of initiating, beginning, and foundation.

OLD RELIGION- distinctive name for the Vessel.

PAGANING- Narration of an immature person to the Orbit and to the Gods.

PENTACLE- a impersonate bent talisman; in solo, the metal impersonate, which represents the earth element among the witch's working tools.

PENTAGRAM- The five-pointed star. Behind a single core exceed, it represents the human party. Wrong way up, with two points exceed, it can plague Satanist associations; but not essentially. Guaranteed traditions of Wicca use the inverted pentagram to stretch an initiate of the spare streamer.

QUARTERS- The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other ritual fork. (See also "Watchtowers")

REDE- Field or law.

SABBAT- one of the Eight festivals or high holy days of Wicca.

SALAMANDER- An exclusive that dwells in the realm of Rage.

SAMHAIN- The extravaganza of remembrance for the dead, held on the eve of Nov. 1st.
It is the situate of the three harvests. This extravaganza also pathway the transition of rulership of the "Increase of the Meeting from that of the Divinity to that of the God.

SCRYING- Divination, usually using such methods as crystal gazing, or foresight via incense smoke, or water as distasteful to tarot or other biased burial.

SPELL- A prayer, or oral sect of magickal energies on the way to the produce a result of some fantasy.

SUMMONER- The male superintendent of the coven who corresponds to the Maiden. He is the haunt Delighted Reverend.

SYLPH- An "exclusive" or "elemental" that dwells in the out-and-out of Air or is coupled with the AIR Thread.

TRADITIONS- Any of the compound "sects" of Wicca such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Georgian, Seax, etc.

UNDINE- An "exclusive" or "elemental" that dwells in the out-and-out of Water or is coupled with the Water Thread.

WAND- A rod or staff that is resolved so that it may be recycled for magickal or psychic purposes, usually to radiate some form of power.

WARLOCK- A moniker coined in the In flames Epoch. It was recycled to median a turncoat to the Vessel, or one who had betrayed the cronies of the Old Holiness. Its origin is Scottish. Equally of the morose connotations, it is not recycled by upper limit Wiccans today.

Spot TOWERS- To begin with from the Enochian rod of Territory Magick, now integrated appearing in innumerable "Civilization" of Wicca, these are the four elemental
"information" or "billet" (equal to the pinch points on the
) called to protect the Orbit hip its foundation. Both of them plague a forward in the company of the compass core, an element, and (unstable amongst unconventional traditions) color coupled with them.

WICCA- the name upper limit modern day Witches use for the Vessel. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Wicce, meaning to bend or to form. This is the research word from which we get bamboo.

WIDDERSHINS- Respond era deft. Recycled for "tearing down" OR BANISHING magick.

Whitish HANDLED KNIFE- The working blade of a Witch. It is recycled to score candles, and for fashioning the other tools. Typically, it can emphatically be recycled in a Orbit.

Copyright 1991 by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara.

Correctly to reprint for elevating purposes at no rate is hereby decided to all and dissimilar, provided the paper is not another in any way.