Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Problem Of Historicity

The Problem Of Historicity
Concerning the historicity of Pagan traditions. Given that we know subsequently to go like a bullet about what ancient druids (if they were really as described by the Romans) got up to or understood, or what medieval witches (who, even if they existed, were reasonably not pagans) got up to, or what unfortunate medieval heathens got up to (a bit higher reputation, but a lot of it in black and white down by Christians), the high society who make a case that they're piece of legislation something for instance their ancient forerunners did it, and not for instance they atmosphere it to be the rule way for them to be a Druid/Witch/Wiccan/Heathen/Pagan in the arrived and now - "that" is what is annoying to the academically-minded.

You can be a Druid/Witch/Wiccan/Heathen/Pagan for instance you atmosphere you are one for instance it fits the image you surround in your compassion of what a Druid/Witch/Wiccan/Heathen/Pagan is (and I announce your rule to do so).

But what happens having the status of someone besides with a investigate new view about what a Druid/Witch/Wiccan/Heathen/Pagan is, does the same? Plus we surround testify...

In the function of is the react to this dilemma? I'm not assured that I know. I know that we do need to surround negotiations about our theology, our morality, our worldview, our ethics, and what is benevolently Druid/Witch/Wiccan/Heathen/Pagan about them. We don't long to series a belief or an accord, for instance that may well lead to annoyance of dissenters. But that does not mean we can outwit the sphere and fair-haired not address about it.

As far as historicity is anxious, the rest of us may well learn a lot from Heathens and reconstructionists, who surround gone to the need of reading as knowingly of the approximately satisfactory equipment as prospective, and comparing it with experiences and consideration of state Heathens, and creating a synthesis of forgotten and state insights. They are lucky for instance unfortunate medieval heathenry lasted a lot longer and was better-documented than other traditions. They likewise surround a well-worked-out and at length publicised set of Heathen qualities. Wicca likewise has a set of qualities, but this is not so typical.

To the letter, I atmosphere that we are likewise the heirs of the Rebirth, Reform, Enlightenment, and Impracticality, and we cannot fair-haired turn away from the overruling centuries and not be serious they didn't course. This is one of the reasons why I am inquisitive in Unitarianism.