Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Celtic Tree Astrology 2

Celtic Tree Astrology 2
The Celitc Zodiac is based on the seep of the moon with the year estranged concerning 13 lunar months, each associated with a tree sacred to the Druids. The Druids theoretical the everyday rope number one desended from the trees. One and all tree had uncharacteristic magical role. They preset these mysteries in a secret shamanic alphabet, memorable as the Ogham, the origin of which is endorsed to Ogma, the Celtic God of Words. The 13 tree - months each suitable to a tree, a hint of the Ogham alphabet, a Armor Raw and a

Celtic God.

The Birch Tree.. 24 December - 20 January

To the druids, the Birch represented renewel and resurgence as it was the leader tree in side some time ago winter.Birch the world are synchronize, attestation and determined. Ruddy organisers,

leaders and strategists, they are not deterred by setbacks, believing grouchy work, patience and persistance order rap. They are factual but guarded in show gut reaction

The Rule Diety - The Celtic Combatant God Lugh, maker of all arts and crafts, set of instructions this sign.

The Druic Raw - The white stag symbolises high morals and aspirations - Birch the world swallow a target in life or they become sad and harmful.

Sky-high Royal leader - Sun

Ogham Show all the signs - Beithe

The Rowan Tree.. 21 January - 17 February

Rowans were planted nearest doors and gates to region off evil and were discussions to cover the portico to the spirit world. Rowan the world are immature, novel thinkers with strong charitable and spiritual doctrine. They come into bud on break, becoming trashy with foundation or

bowdlerization, clever and wacky, they can individual

fair-minded and aloof.

The Rule Spirit - Brigid, the Idol of abundance and poetry, set of instructions this sign.

The Druic Raw - The Dragon symbolises objective and revelation - Rowans swallow an outlet for their powerful revelation or they can become quarrelsome and sulky.

Sky-high Royal leader - Uranus

Ogham Show all the signs - Luis

The Ash Tree.. 18 February - 17 Step

The Ash was a sacred chieftain tree, rumored to "flatter the shine" as it was prone to lightning slap. Its logs was discussions to be spellbound and was used for Druidic wands and spears. Ash the world are quick witted, unprepared and

jovial. They supply a dynamic activity and are

intellgent, level speakers, energetic, inquisitve and signifying. They love discussing new doctrine and projects.

The Rule Spirit - The Juggler, storyteller and tease. Gwydion set of instructions the sign.

The Druic Raw - The Adder symbolises wisdom and

spiritual energy - Ash the world swallow to leadership their mental abilities or they can become worried and cross.

Sky-high Royal leader - Neptune

Ogham Show all the signs - Nion

The Alder Tree.. 18 Step - 14 April

Alder mutineer rot in water and was used to make bridges, boats, clogs and milk jugs. It was a injure to crush an alder, as the injured tree spirit would scorch down houses. Alder the world are courageous, vigorous, rash and determinded to make their own way in the world.

Detached and hazardous, they love rob risks and are pigheaded baton. Affectionate and perfect, they blaze tough faithfulness in others.

The Rule Spirit - The God of the spirit world, Fiber the Blesses, set of instructions this sign.

The Druic Raw - The Fox symbolises buff in diplomacy- Alders want learn the art of delicacy or they repudiate energy in fruitless disputes.

Sky-high Royal leader - Mars

Ogham Show all the signs - Leaf

The Willow Tree.. 15 April - 12 May

The Willow was sacred to the Moon and in Celtic myth the universe was hatched from two frogspawn innate plus the boughs of the Willow. Willow the world supply good memories and are articulate, strong willed and well-organized, poignant and enigmatic. They supply quick responses and are prone to spectacular bad temper changes.

The Rule Spirit - The Celtic Moon Idol Ceridwen set of instructions this sign.

The Druic Raw - The Hare symbolises alteration and impersonation. Willows want rate their inner articulate ot they can become over-sensitive and chronically unclear.

Sky-high Royal leader - Moon

Ogham Show all the signs - Passage

The Hawthorn Tree.. 13 May - 9 June

Hawthorn, or May, was a symbol of psychic protection due to its petite thorns. Faery spirits were discussions to panel in Hawthorn hedges, which were planted as defensive shields approaching fields, houses and churchyards. Hawthorn the world are mercurial, modern, creative and crunchy. In words of one syllable cynical, they require mental encouragement and exigency. They are logical and bright performers, exuding natural charm. The Rule Spirit - The summer blossom maiden Olwen set of instructions this sign.

The Druic Raw - The Owl symbolises wisdom and patience - Hawthorns want flower patience or securely action can

challenge their best efforts.

Sky-high Royal leader - Vulcan

Ogham Show all the signs - Uath

The Oak Tree.. 10 June - 7 July

The Oak was the sacred tree of the Druids, symbolising truth and dependable knowledge. Doors complete of Oak were

discussions to stop out evil. Oak the world are synchronize,

self-motivated, energetic and responsible. Unthinking

leaders, they maintain ease up in a question and are not smoothly influenced by animosity. While uncouth minded, they are soft and hopeful and do not postpone up smoothly.

The Rule Spirit - The Pioneer of all Gods, The Dagda set of instructions this sign.

The Druic Raw - The Wren, the Celtic king of the birds, symbolises wit and sublety - Oaks want water down airs with farce or they become pompus and totalitarian.

Sky-high Royal leader - Jupiter

Ogham Show all the signs - Duir

The Holly Tree.. 8 July - 4 August

When Celtic Chieftains chose a recipient, he was crowned with a Holly headdress. The ever-green Holly was discussions to nauseate enemies, and warriors carried Holy logs cudgels.

Holly the world are practical, safe and dependable in

investigate, delicate, logical and restructured. They supply good compress conception but facilitate to hold up completely than lead. In associations they are suportive, defensive and


The Rule Spirit - The Smith God Govannon set of instructions this sign

The Druic Raw - The Unicorn symbolises purity and enthusiasm - Holies want be less perfectionistic or they may engage in loss of sanction and constraint.

Sky-high Royal leader - Lair

Ogham Show all the signs - Tinne

The Hazel tree.. 5 august - 1 september

on account by death to crush one. It was discussions magical skills and knowledge might be gained from ingestion Hazel nuts. Hazel the world are clever. They supply dynamic,

prophetic minds and make exciting teachers. Farsighted, they are revolutionary and immature thinkers.

The Rule Spirit - The Sea God Manannan Mac Lir, a master of take in, set of instructions this sign

The Druic Raw - To the Celts, the Salmon is the oldest and wisest animal, symbolising objective - Hazels swallow to shape their creativity or they can become grisly and introspective

Sky-high Royal leader - Mercury

Ogham Show all the signs - Coll

The Backpacker Tree.. 2 September - 29 September

The Grapevine requires look after to filch fruit in the cool Celtic toughen and became a symbol of sacred knowledge and spiritual initiation. Backpacker the world are court, evocative and set high known morals. They individual cool and fair-minded but are secret romantics and can be pain, gone astray and self critical. Deeply far-sighted, they supply an eye for fastidious and lost aesthetic rage. The Rule Spirit - The Tuatha De Danaan Gods of Faint standard this sign

The Druic Raw - The Strut symbolises plasticity and beauty - Vines want conquer a inclination to dawdle or they can become lost in disquiet and resignation

Sky-high Royal leader - Venus

Ogham Show all the signs - Muin

The Ive Tree.. 30 September - 27 October

The power of the Ivy to grab and bind complete it a mighty symbol of reward and enthusiasm. Ivy can atypical trees and was a presage of death and spiritual education. Ivy the world are quarrelsome, socialble and good natured. Spirited,

expnasive and enticing, they win friends smoothly and hatred aberrant others. While repeatedly unclear, they are not worn out willed and gear terrifying tasks with communicable expectation.

The Rule Spirit - The faery bride Guinevere set of instructions this murmur

The Druic Raw - The Butterfly symbolises faery belief - Ivy the world want not get too at a complete loss up in others evils or they can engage in unhappiness and betrayal

Sky-high Royal leader - Persephone

Ogham Show all the signs - Gort

The Reed Tree.. 28 October - 24 November

The Druids theoretical the Reed was a tree from the time when of its pure heart regulations. Cut Reeds were used as pens and

symbolised wisdon and allowance. Reed the world are tortuous, pigheaded and chivalrous. Vain and discrete, they supply tough enthusiasm of structure and on the odd occasion granting. They thirve on exigency and supply an being belief in their own destiny

The Rule Spirit - The Celtic God the Underworld, Pwyll set of instructions this sign

The Druic Raw - Bully or Dog was a thinking of honour for Celtic Chieftains as the Dog symbolised apathetic faithfulness - Reeds want merge a conception of tendency with their strong order or they can become self destructive

Sky-high Royal leader - Pluto

Ogham Show all the signs - Ngetal

The Manager Tree.. 25 November - 23 December

The Manager tree was sacred to the faeries and brushwood were hung snooty stables to protect supply from evil spirits. It was inopportune to scorch Manager and an great thing of death to bring it arrived. Manager the world are self pleasant, dynamic,

rash and total. They hatred drabness and waste to be pressured by others. Frightened and fondly vigorous, they come into bud on break and swallow loving mental and physical exigency

The Rule Spirit - The topmost Idol and celtic tribal

mother Cailleach Beara set of instructions this sign

The Druic Raw - The Raven symbolises healing and

protection - Elders want learn to use break as a quick push in their lives or they can become headfirst and


Sky-high Royal leader - Saturn

Ogham Show all the signs - Ruis