Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Occult Animal Messages Tarot Card Deck

Occult Animal Messages Tarot Card Deck Image
Animal Messages Tarot Card Deck is a unique tarot book and tarot card set which reveals the significance of animal messages through dreams and meditation. There are 52 message cards, each beautifully illustrated and accompanied by an inspirational message from the animal world which will give spiritual guidance and help.

The book outlines the meanings of our animal guides or "totems" and how you can tune into the cards, sensing their powers and abilities. A Squirrel is a sign to let go of the past, a butterfly heralds change, while a fox warns of becoming too involved. The cheetah teaches you to be ready when it is time for unwavering action, while the tortoise advises against change for its own sake.

Seek out your animal guides and, whether you use the cards for affirmation or divination, you will be amazed at the insights you gain.

Animal Messages Tarot Card Deck Specifications:

52 fully illustrated cards

Full interpretations for every card

instructions on laying them out for a reading

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