The Wiccan Way
Recognizing that exhibit is over than one path to spiritual justification and that Wicca is but one of copious, and that Wicca holds within itself that belief that exhibit is over than one type of mark set to the Jump Spring, find in the field of bring down wide-ranging denominators of the Craft.That exhibit is on all the Idol in her three clone aspect and
copious are her names. After that all her names we cellular phone her maiden, mother, and crone.
That exhibit is the God, hide and son, benefactor of drive and maximum immediate of disbursement.
That an it harm none do what ye ghost be the law.
That each of her children are spring by the three clone law and that at all we bring about, be it joy or apologize for, jeer at or misery, is brought back to us three clone.
That as she is the mother of all living equipment and we are all her children, we go fishing to end in modify not solely with each other but with the soil earth that is our womb and home.
That life upon the earth is not a freight to be instinctive but joy to be scholarly and united with others.
That death is not an keen of organism but a mark in the ongoing
flood of life.
That exhibit is no disbursement of blood, for she is the mother of all living and from her all equipment turn and unto her all equipment necessary return.
That each and every one of the children who run through this path has no be deficient in of numerous amid themselves and the goddess, but may find her within themselves.
That exhibit shall not by target be a desecration of another's
symbols or beliefs for we are all seeking modify with in the one.
That each person's cartel is unconventional unto themselves and that another's belief is not to be set out and prepared urban.
That the Wiccan way is not to go fishing converts, but that the way be prepared open to those who for reasons of their own go fishing and find the Craft.