Saturday, May 16, 2009


Christian saints, Pagan tribes, and notable blue-eyed singers all come together in this name.

I convey to individual that I convey no matter which of a extremism on this name. My godmother's name is Francis, and she everlastingly disliked it. She was named time was her grandmother Francesca, and hostile Francis everlastingly impression that was so extreme prettier and despaired in her having a "boys name" more accurately. But I'll put that departure from the subject in the same way as, even then again this is never a name I would put in to my child, it does convey an clunky unfashionable charm to it.

Francis (stately "FRAN-sis") is a Latin name meaning "free man" or "Frenchman." The land that we now know as France was at the outset the Realm of the Franks. The tribe name Legitimate has been traced to "frakka," the Germanic word for "pierce." According to the tribe's mythology, they are named time was their topmost ruler Francio. The Franks diffuse recorded history in 50 A.D. and as the days passed they were each enemies and allies of the Romans.

No theme what religion you way, the most notable barer of this name is Saint Francis of Assisi. He's the guy that wonderfully gave whisper all of his property, for denouement flora and fauna and outlook, and for inventing the topmost Christmas manger deem. He industrialized the Third Contract of Saint Francis, and his associates are frequently known as the Franciscans.

The Franciscans are an interesting organize of Catholicism. Saint Francis was arguably the most curtail temperament who ever modeled his life time was Christ (he even gave himself the stigmata), he alike understood that outlook was the mirror of God. He wrote the "Canticle of Creatures," and in it he used qualifications equal "Brother Sun, Sister Moon," and "Sister Fleeting." He referred to flora and fauna as his brothers and sisters. This all sounds explicitly welcoming to being who has calculated Effortless American culture.

Francis has other namesakes coupled to it too the saint and the tribe. Legitimate Sinatra was Francis Sinatra on his genesis verify. Offer is alike prudent Francis Bacon, above Francis Ford Coppola, golfer Francis Ouimet, and "Leading lady Sparkling Headline" writer Francis Scott Key. If we interest other versions of this name, existing are countless addition.

Frances is a feminine divergence. Francois is a liking in France for each genders. Franco, Francesco, and Francesca are Italian and Spanish versions. Others interest Franz, Franzel, Fran, Franche, Feri, Chico, Paco, and Pancho, to name a few.

At the same time as Francis has never moved out the top 1000, it has an old-fashioned charm. As a boys name it peaked in the 1910s at #31, and today it settles at #669. As for the girls, it alike peaked at the especially time at #253, and dropped out of favor in the 1970s. Francis is alike a very common label.

Before all that, I can joy why Francis would request to someone who loves names with no side dishes. It has a lot of history with a leg on each side of countless odd cultures. But thoroughly, I equal Franco surpass.

Sources: of Assisi

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