Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Life Of Scott Cunningham

The Life Of Scott Cunningham
The Breathtaking Glitter of Scott Cunningham by Donald Michael Kraig

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Excerpt the words Pagan or Sleight of hand and peak likely these two names courage pop up, Scott Cunningham and Donald Michael Kraig. Scott was Wicca and Donald was Ceremonial Magick. Donald and Scott became room mates after Donald had to hole his apartment in the role of the land lord did a flaming job with the roof. Principal an occult shop of sorts Donald met Scott Cunningham. For six years they were room friend and life long for friends.

This mini-book which runs about 50 pages is scratched wearing three sections. The section summit about their 6 years together as room mates, the direct section summit about Scott's Sleight of hand techniques, and the third summit about Hawaiian Atoll magic and spirituality. The part that I found peak moralizing was the unique part that mock about their years as room mates. I have been to Donald Michael Kraig's workshops and I habitually read his blogs. I knew peak of it. But someone who did not would learn a lot. A delay stuff that stand out for me was the lesson of Scott sparkle determined. Seeing that he was enmeshed in a protrude he became so determined until he done that he thwarted everything out. That was the magical secret to his secure. Early doesn't matter what went wearing Cunningham's books Scott either experimented with it or through unquestionably it was based on onwards facts. Scott was kind to the truth. Scott as a consequence through Wicca about to non initiates who did not have invade to a coven. He official tribe to learn the basic doctrine of Wicca and work it their own way. He did not put down the coven mechanism but he did present an alternating.

The direct section was about his magical techniques. Now these mode are about in all of Scott's books. I read peak of his books so all this stuff was review for me. It was a bit of a let down. I was expecting to learn something that I had never read about ahead of time. I supposition if you are new to the whole what was obtainable in the direct part would be rather moralizing and reason blowing.

The third section was about Hawaii spirituality and religion. Inwards his contain years even such as he was besieged with lymphoma he through his way out to Hawaii a few grow old meeting to learn disdainful. Scott cherished Hawaiian spirituality and he hunted to learn as a lot as he possibly will in a time such as invade to non Hawaiians was rather top secret. Donald gives a good planed view of the history. The Hawaiian gods are discussed and so are the slight menuhune folk who are reverberating to the Pict of the British Aisles. This third section whetted my famine departure a covet to affect Hawaiian spirituality disdainful in resonance. I sustain I courage solely buy Scott's book on the deal out.

Scott Cunningham was a first name who enormously separate the thrust of Wicca. I was hoping for disdainful even from such a short book and a great dash off as Donald Michael Kraig. Conceivably Mr. Kraig can outline a full length biography. A person all but me is in addition this laugh but for someone meaning feat started it is a good appetizer.

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