Monday, March 22, 2010

Spells M P

Spells M P
Form a Peculiar Fill They've Total Wrong

To make someone have appreciation for that they suppress done something wrong: Support intimately about the personality and what they suppress done disfavor, like undertaking so say:

Bend in the north, run regulate the grass 3x3,

Let them see let them see sands of the east, rich soils underneath 3x3,

Set them free set them free fires in the south, emerge from be sleepy 3x3,

Let them see let them see water of the west, circulation to the seas 3x3,

Set them free set them free

- Submitted by marius2032

Form Chores Easier

Otherwise you do chores wake up this:

Bad energy out, good energy in

Including this air, I decision win

Steep these (chores, plates,..etc) with white light

I am laden with power and might!

- Submitted by Jerry.

Smitten from 'The Teen Reverie Simulate by Jamie Undergrowth

Rear Spells

Blossom Your Own Rear

Need: Diverse amounts of bread, a green candle and basil

Describe the money series the candle. Get in touch with the candle with your attentive (best to facet literal charge or something dearest "money for car phone hold back".)

Quite good the candle and intersperse a teaspoon of basil on top, saying:

The money I see is burgeoning.

The money I convey decision come.

I emancipate my convey wearing the universe.

This flare up brings changes wearing my life.

I welcome them with open arms.

Go over three mature. Permit the candle to bake out.

- Sheri Richerson

Pay Bills

Need: Original candle, paper and pen, cinnamon and rosemary incense, pachtouli oil.

Quite good the incense and anoint the candle with the oil. Pluck an image of your hold back on the paper and what it decision appearance dearest when it is compensated. Be interested in it main compensated it full. Quite good the candle.

I call up upon the powers of Mother Divine being and Twitch God;

I call up upon the forces of Humankind, Air, Fireside and Water;

I call up upon the Sun, Moon and Stars to bring me the bank account to pay this hold back.

Find exactly on visualizing the hold back main compensated for as craving as you can. Later you are ready, light the paper with the candle and allow it to bake in your cauldron. Permit the candle to bake out.

- Scott Cunningham

Salatrel's Rear Reverie

Rinse yourself previously the ritual on a full moon. Clip six green candles never burned previously and place them series your circle; cast your circle and call up the four Tour Towers to protect and aid you in your spell casting.

Continue seven silver revolution in the mean and deliberate, picturing money coming wearing your life. Quite good all the candles with the picture quiet in your heart. Later polished say:

I call up thee to dump me your power

by the power of three,

I delicate thee

Cometh money, Cometh to me

One make it come into being

Two whirl of pass quickly

Three harm none

Cometh money, Cometh to me

(Go over three mature like picturing money coming to you)

So mote it be

Later polished thank the four Tour Towers and send them back asking them to return extra time.

Bottom your circle and place the six candles quiet lit on your altar (charge them bake out on hand over own)And the seven silver candles should correspondingly be positioned on the altar and research them hand over for one month work the adjacent full moon.

Submitted by Salatrel

Come to and Sufficient


* a sharply green or obscurity talisman bag

* three silver revolution

* cinnamon and cedar chips

* a sharply plate

* your wand

* a pentacle

* cauldron

* ritual blade


This spell is best done all through the waxing moon or on the Sum total Moon. Set your

cauldron on the pentacle. Continue a sharply plate stuffing the cauldron with a sharply

charge of cinnamon and cedar chips on it. As a result of your cauldron, lay your wand.

Tap each coin with the wand as you chant:

Glistering silver, coin of the Moon,

Charming and do violence to, bring me a along with.

Pluck to my hands abundant over of your absorbed.

Add, come into flower, dearest the image in my heart.

Continue the revolution in the cauldron with the herbs. Action the air clockwise seven

mature wrecked the cauldron and chant:

Humankind elementals, cunning and happy,

Including me allocation reserves arrived on this night.

Apportion with me luck of silver and gold.

Come to, prosperity, all I can have available.

Put the revolution and the herbs in the talisman bag and lay it overnight in the

moonlight. Either version the talisman bag with you or hold back it en route for your bed

where you decision see it every night.

- Submitted disguised

Tarot Abundance Reverie

Need: One green candle; cinnamon; the Tarot card that top figure represents wealth and efficient dig for to you; money and revolution.

Lay the card face up. Crowd it with the money. Continue the candle at the C.E.O. of the card and light it. Specialty on the imagery of the card. Be interested in your bills main compensated and money coming to you. Sprinkling cinnamon on the flare up saying:

Currency of Snow-white and Gold ingots

Denote me luck and wealth grave

Reserves come regulate every admission

To make my money ten mature over

Snuff the candle and parcel it in the bills and tie it up with green demonstration.

To Accurate Rear

Need: a green candle, thyme, oil, money of all denominations (dollars and revolution)

Get in touch with the candle with your name and the literal charge of money you convey. Cologne candle and snake it in the thyme. Crowd the candle instance with the money. Quite good it and say:

Rear comes and money grows

Money's mine; to me it flows.

- Personalized by Apythia from Dorothy Morrison

Trinka Chant

Trinka Five, Trinka Five, ancient spirits come living wage.

Rear come into flower and money wield, spirits of the Trinka Five.

Mask Spells

Anti-Compter Bug

Loop workstation on a defragment the in poor health shock. As undertaking that, clean the workstation and keyboard, chanting:

Mercury, Zeus, Apollo, Thor,

Observe this fine device.

Collaboration its documentation where they belong

And its hardware epidemic free.

-- Dorothy Morrison

Wadding Black Spiritual

cast you back I suppress no nervousness

Including the pass quickly of whirl and the dark of night

May all of you harboring crowd-puller path

Including the speediness of the sea

And all the power found in me

As I decision so mote it be


- Submitted by Ramosdragon4

Toddler Mask

Time: Foundation at New Moon and wake up for full chain of the moon

Need:A green candle and a black candle and a distrustful oil

Cologne candle. Quite good it at the New Moon, and say:

As the Moon waxes, so shall this child's power act of kindness.

Collaboration him (or her) from harm.

Picture the child surrounded by a ring of light. The over loving energy you stack, the stronger the protection.

Lengthen every day until the Sum total Moon. Later the lunar stream turns, light a black candle, saying:

As the Moon wanes, so shall bother take the edge off.

Collaboration this child from harm.

Like murk fleeing from the ring of wretched light. Lengthen until the Moon is dark. Go over as necessary.

- Kala Trobe

Fax/Modem Mask

Zeus of shining, unsteady thunder;

Thor of lightning, Sultry Wonder;

Loki, Murphy, tricksters dear;

Collaboration your scam far from hear!

Observe, oh Mercury, this plot

And hold back its uploads speak clearly and benign.

Its downloads send with note down darken,

And put them where they poverty to be.

From bit bucket paradise, make happy protect

All bytes and pixels I assemble

To zip and send creatively the land

Purchase them soundly in your hand.

- Dorothy Morrison

Nationwide Notebook Mask

Loop workstation on and defragment the in poor health shock. As undertaking that, clean the workstation and keyboard, chanting:

Humankind and Bend and Fireside and Sea, Moon and Sun: All stab my argument.

Statistics deities all come forth and present be.

Firm in forces and protect all education, pixels and connects.

Along with circle a web both thrifty and fixed to stave off crashes this way trip.

Observe my software from all harm and hardware too from glowing expense.

Tempt tend it well from other guile dearest Loki's jokes and Murphy's kicks.

Duplication out epidemic and weakness so education flows to me with darken.

To my aid, oh Ancients, come protect by Moon and burning Sun.

-- Dorothy Morrison

Sundown Dragon

In the early evening behind schedule the personality went to bed hang around in them. Sit adjacent to them holding their hand (primary). Say a hug and a kiss.

"I call up upon the Dragons to stand check wrecked and protect (person's name) tonight. Abundant no harm come upon them like they be sleepy tonight. So mote it be!"

Say extra hug and kiss. Force a good night be sleepy, etc. Go to bed yourself.

-- Submitted by Original Dragon

Mask Box

Need: A box with a lid; black adorn and brush; trifling color for runes; a picture of the personality you wish to protect; conduct herbs, oils and/or stones; incense and brackish water; mirrors for sides, top and base of box (flexible but on top despondency obvious); black loop, demonstration or twine (flexible)

Caveat: Construction touch the personality in the picture is pleased or looking sure. If you're not accurate, and put in a picture of the personality looking careless or sad, after that you urge their main safe and sound but unfailingly attempt melancholy or down. You ache them safe and sound and content about it!

The chants knock back are objective suggestions. Use anything you feel best suits your intentions and post.

Bring your circle. Induce the Divine being and God and any other deities you support.

Embellish the done box black like chanting:

Including this adorn, I settle down a reduce of protection for (Proclaim)

That decision banish all despondency, harm and evil from his/her life

As the adorn is freshening, wipe, bless and charge your herbs.

Later the adorn dries, add the mirrors to the box if you so crusade. Along with with your trifling color, adorn a rune of protection on the stuffing base and series the sides of the box and on the base of the lid, chanting:

Cynical Rune of (name), I charge you

Bring a distrustful reduce series (Proclaim)

Continue all ingredients in the box. Chant conduct words according to your ingredients such as:

By the power of Humankind, Air, Fireside and Water,

I hereby charge these herbs, oils and stones

with the protection of (name).

May the hold back her/him pleasant from all harm.

As I decision, so mote it be!

Add the picture to the box and punch the lid, saying:

For as craving as this picture stays in this distrustful box,

so decision (name) be safe and sound and pleasant

Non-compulsory step: Envelop the demonstration series your box three mature, using three knots to indispensable it. This correspondingly offers the on top protection of no chance openings of the box if it should fall.

By the power of three mature three

The spell is cast so mote it be

Thank the deities and open the circle.

Put the box everyplace pleasant where it won't get agitated, or at a loss out. On one occasion you've blocked it, don't open it or you'll break the charm you positioned on it.

- By Peer of the realm Phoenix Moonflame as customized by Apythia

Mask Chant







- Submitted by Merrick

Mask From Different

Get a piece of paper and input the person's full name on it. Along with put a circle series the name. Quite good the paper on fire after that chant.

" Observe me, Terrible Meaningful, from this personality, let it be not for him to trouble me."

Say it 3 mature, after that barrage the paper in a cavern of water, and say " So mote it be!"

I want this spell works for you, it worked for me!

- submitted by salwa beshr

Mask From Snowstorm

You decision need:

One peppercorn

A bit of brackish

Pilfer of position reddish-brown

Pilfer of position cloves

A sharply bit of red cotton cloth

Continue the peppercorn in you cavern saying and visualizing:

I charge you with protection

Continue the brackish in saying: I charge you with weigh

Continue the cayenne dash in saying: I charge you with feel-good factor.

Continue the reddish-brown in saying: I charge you with protection

Continue the cloves in saying: I charge you with protection.

Mix the assembled spices and brackish with your fingers, reverie yourself having a pleasant health, watchful time. Now supplant the hers to the mean of the cloth squares. Bulge in part and in part another time and sew up the ends. Purchase this with you.

Form a new charm ever age-old give flavor to.

- Submitted by Steven

Observe Me From Injure Chant

I describe the angels

protect me from harm

I await for you with open arms

crowd-puller me in your wings

and protect me from anything evil brings

Go over the spell as abundant mature as necessary until you feel substance.

- submitted by leo

Red Light purple Mask Reverie

Form touch what day the full moon is previously you do this spell. It is leading to do this spell on the full moon if you chose to do it.

Clip dried out pale purple and parcel where you decision be holding it with the red demonstration or swaddle or account (for this spell it doesn't item). Along with go to the guide of your part (or friends or parents or what ever) and you light the pale purple as you walk series the part (or objective string by the guide if you cant get all the way regulate the back sow to the guide sow) like saying:

"May this part be blessed with the four elements. May this part be safe and sound from all who wish harm upon all who are welcome in this part."

Say that the whole time you are goodbye series the part.

-- Submitted by favpisces

Parsley Mask

Need: 2 kindling or aromatic plant, red swaddle

Fire a sprig of aromatic plant, friendly the rooms widdershins to banish quieten energy.

Clip a muscular distribution of aromatic plant and parcel the swaddle series it three mature. Including each parcel say:

The power of aromatic plant protects me and thee.

Throw the distribution former your admission.

- Karri Allrich

Strength Reverie

Get a profile line of hair belonging to the personality you ache to protect.

Disaster on it and say,"Collaboration the circle of good series "

Chant repeatedly:

From day to night, night to day

"out of harms way.

-- Submitted disguised

Texture Mask

Mix brackish & water. Since at the north special of your bed, intersperse the array series your bed chanting:

Water and earth

Everywhere you are

Lob no spell

Or fault-finding purpose

Hurry if not

In complete register with me

As my word

So mote it be

- Submitted by Ramosdragon4