Attach (Spectrum) by the Phoenix
You honest the Discovery in the Souk Fuss. Grave 'I' heart mission you that your hustle badly maintained is right away a bag of platinum aristocracy and the Celebrity of Thorgrim. You poverty not lose the Celebrity, but you heart be marked with to quickly part with it complete the game. BUY Throw out and you heart automatically move SOUTH to the Foremost Fashion. Just about you find an old organism for instance bested by some guards. Also Tip Human being or Jet GUARDS results in you obtaining a flask of wine. This wine heart pick up the check your lack of fluids, superior. Receive WINE in addition to go SOUTH. If you expression at the see you heart see that you be marked with to hand upper any item of sign to the guards. Display Celebrity, you heart get it back once more, soon! You heart now service the guards, to end up outside the Metropolitan area Gates. Person in command SW and Roll Group to find a golden chalice. Receive Chalice and go NE, SE, E, in addition to W to the Desert Rat Inn. The Innkeeper heart charm gold for information. Display Chalice and he heart mission you to ask the conjuror for a confidential. Go EAST three epoch to the Coppice and you heart finale Wizdoichus. Say Tough one and he heart ask you to assert the odd one out in the following on all sides of numbers: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. It is 9, in view of the fact that all the rest are on the verge of shut down, so you major '9'. He heart now mission you of a magic word, namely
'SABZTETI'. Person in command as follows: W, S, SW, W. You are now faced with a permission intertwine, but it is very easy with the way back for instance precisely in reverse to the way to the front. So, we go: W, W, S, E, E, S, W, S, E, E, S, in addition to ultimately SOUTH to the edge of a disintegration rock face. You heart find a dagger offer, but you can definite make it decisively, if you be marked with learnt the magic word. SABZTETI in addition to but Receive Incisor. On retracing your ladder dictate the permission you heart become big and parched.
Person in command N, N, W, W, EAT Throw out, N, E, N, W, W, Swig WINE, N, E, E, NE, in addition to SE to outside a bowl. DIG Put on record to identify a copper key. Receive COPPER KEY in addition to go SOUTH and Jet DRAGON with your dagger. Offer is a captured Princess offer, who is steady in shackles. Uncouple Irons with your copper key and Receive PRINCESS. Person in command N, NW, N, in addition to NORTH to a dried up sea in the permission. DIG Put on record offer to fixed some silver hard cash. Receive Hoary Convert. Now go NW, SW, in addition to SOUTH WEST to the front of the castle, wherever you battle some patronizing guards. They are casually bribed, so Display Convert and they heart lead you all the rage the Fascinate Entry. The old man, offer, is the Princesses set off, who earnings your Celebrity of Thorgrim in gratitude. So Receive Celebrity. Person in command N, NE, NE, S, S, in addition to EAST to a colony. The leprechaun, offer, asks you a confidential, and the position is talk Hurdle. (You may as well just say Serious, GARVE, or establish Hurdle on its own - they all perform to work!) The leprechaun heart in addition to hand upper some Beeswax, so Receive BEESWAX, in addition to Storeroom BEESWAX, to discharge the stuff of the Harpies whom you battle almost immediately. You should now go WEST three epoch to the Inn of Shelzama. Just about is a somewhat unfair, but nonetheless solvable muddle. You are asked to sing a publicize, and the way to find the surname of the publicize is to study that precise combined boom. Roll up at the deed and you heart see that contemporary are four letters in capitals, namely I, A, L, S. So you Sing IALS, in addition to Receive BRASS ROD! Person in command E, E, in addition to SOUTH to a robust branched. If you venture to go SW you heart battle a silent trap! More readily make the SE valley to the sluice. Don't be tempted to open the chest offer as you heart find a scroll dressed in which gives you unsound orders. In fact it advises you to totter in the load share, but if you do you heart be killed by the 'watcher'! So, Thump Dresser to find a actual horn. Receive HORN. Now go NW in addition to SOUTH. You cannot clasp the harpies as you are popular the cover up. Different two moves SOUTH brings you to the coast of a load share. Just about you should Admirer HORN to summon the faint boatman, who heart row you spanning the share. The same as you recount on the southern coast of the share you heart be faced with deceptively unopenable doors. Smack DOORS with your brass rod and you heart find yourself in a bottomless hall, above the doors. Go EAST to a panelled pathway and Trail off Check to reveal a lippy statue. Receive Statue in addition to Unfasten Statue to find a stone tablet. Offer is some vocabulary on the tablet so Receive Ban to find that it is inscribed with the word 'THGI'. Now go WEST bend in half to an bay, wherever you heart find a bottle green key secluded by a enigmatic nap of light. Say 'THGI' and the nap disappears, allowing you to Receive Sea green KEY. Now return EAST to the Accomplish Entry. Now offer is a alter - the median action of Yank or Rush Toggle results in incineration!. Anything you poverty do is Momentum Toggle and you should clasp a curfew grinding excellent to the South. Person in command SOUTH to newborn pathway and the downhill stone heart barrier your way back north!. Not to shake, plead on and Elected the boasting contemporary. Just about you heart be faced with burning fire. Let me mission you now, that you definite be marked with ONE move to discharge usual death. Scale Shame Cherished as that is all it is! The same as the fire cause Receive TINDERBOX. (If you go EAST to a fragile pathway your tinderbox heart be hard at it from you, preventing you from lighting the torch that you are about to give somebody no option but to). Person in command WEST to a dark semi-circular bay. Bead of moisture the Mud Ban, COPPER KEY, BRASS ROD and HORN, in addition to Receive Weld and Receive Blend (Weld + Blend = TORCH). Now you can Intelligent TORCH in addition to Bead of moisture ALL and Receive ahead of time the TORCH and Celebrity. Go EAST in addition to SOUTH to the temple. Now here's a very annoyed muddle indeed! Offer are five cubes offer that poverty be as one in the spotless order. The cubes standardize with usual colours of the rainbow. The order of colours for a rainbow are RED, Orange, Yellow, Bloody, Outlandish, Indigo AND Blue.
Offer are shut down on the cubes and if you develop the pay part by it's express part on the rainbow you heart know in which order the cubes poverty be hard at it. For arrangement, using RED, the part on it for instance 4 multiplied by 1 (the ahead of time colour on the rainbow) gives you 4. Organization out the others and make them in arithmetic order, lowest possible part ahead of time. So you should Receive RED Make even, Receive Blue Make even, Receive Yellow Make even, Receive Outlandish Make even and ultimately Receive Bloody Make even. Get it inadequate and you be marked with to position to the Make even Monster!. Precisely, now cast SOUTH to a unfriendly room. The medal tells you that you are about to enroll the Jam of Mines.
The locations all report the exact in this intertwine so pin down these orders EXACTLY: S, E, E, S, W, W, W, N, N, W, S, S, E. You should now be in a unfriendly sect with an instrument so go SOUTH to beginning in a golden meadow. You heart see a girl coiffure her hair, so CUT Hair and the girl heart run off. Receive Exact (of hair) and go WEST to the banks of a unfriendly scuttle. Respect the deed as a fish heart for a short time report and babble 'GSTNDSTR' which you are assumed to adapt to read "Go east and repress" but, I be marked with to let go I recycled a Reveal Bedclothes for that precise one! You should now go EAST three epoch to a unfriendly forest basin wherever you heart finale a sad knight who is yearning for his true love. Facts Exact and he heart manage to pay for you an ivory key, so Receive IVORY KEY. Now cast EAST to a search wherever you see a organism wedged in the marsh. Relive what the fish believed and Choke Human being. You heart now clasp of a magic word from her spirit - "GHAS KENI".
Go WEST three epoch to the golden meadow and SOUTH bend in half to the end of the path.
Offer is a unfriendly hut offer. Say "GHAS KENI" in addition to Elected Engross and you find yourself in a distinguished hall. Scale Tip (as transportation the Celebrity) and you are told that contemporary may be newborn instrument to this room. Person in command EAST to a fine room and Receive Gather force (onto your hands) and you heart be secluded from the stuff of the disgusting wand. Now RIP Skill and you heart find a combination nice. Different annoyed one!. If you List Concurrence you are asked to do so in Separated digits.
Anything is the combination? Sufficient the magic word GHAS poverty be restrained. The alphabet positions of G, H, A, and S are 7, 8, 1, and 19 and as the combination poverty be entered in longest digits, the spotless combination to major is 7, 8, 1,
1, 9. The nice heart now open to reveal an oaken wand. Receive Baton and go WEST in addition to SOUTH to a unfriendly room. Just about you ultimately finale Zaegmar and you poverty at once Throw Baton. He heart turn all the rage a merge and you should pass on the golden key.
Convincingly go SOUTH to the Summit of Selvin and give somebody no option but to the staff of Safrin to make the game with 100%!