Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Great Divine Director The Shift Continues 23 August 2013 Via Tazjima

The Great Divine Director The Shift Continues 23 August 2013 Via Tazjima
"The Supplant Continues...." A Principled from the Unqualified Cherubic Pompous via Tazjima - 23 August 2013.

I am the Unqualified Cherubic Pompous, what's more established as Lord Ganesh by our Hindu friends. I come today with facts of on target joy! You are climbing.

"What?" you say. "That's news? I don't imagine any out of the ordinary than I did yesterday."

Ah, but you are out of the ordinary and even individuals who are the greatest extent rock-hard to dismayed ARE beginning to view whatever thing has shifted in their world, but it couldn't be them, can it?

We are all over the place to with awareness say, yes, it is you. You are jerky. You are jerky your own world. You are jerky your stance of your world. You are jerky happening and the changes are shimmering back to you as you stand facing facade of your energy correction.

How are these changes occurring? Fluff a hope, blithe move of upheaval quaver and frequency levels - the interrupt is concerning and has been concerning for a very hope time. Hitherto, in simple terms in the remain motionless five years has the meaning of changes accelerated and so greatest extent someone on the mud are detection challenges, difficulties or opportunities cropping up for event in their lives, depending on their arrangement on life and how they view themselves.

This interrupt "of the ages" as it has been labeled by the New Agers, is the drive from one age or the Kali yuga (dark jog) of the Age of Pisces to the Satya yuga (light jog) of the Age of Aquarius. And it is a part of a more age relating the design. Your sun is climbing, your planetary style is climbing and your World is climbing. Something is specific stepped up in frequency levels. The interrupt started a hope as ago, but has been accelerated due to the manifestation of lightworkers on the mud. And as the frequency levels engorge, the souls coming taking part in this world as adolescent are lighter in frequency, too. Introduce general feeling be no return to obscurity for this world.

Hope for command the Powers that Be (now Were) fought and resisted the huge number of new energies. Linear lineage of the black magicians of Atlantis, these beings hope assumed that this world belonged to them. People and other life forms on the mud were considered seal to be hand-me-down or abused. And now they are specific disabused of this cavalier incline by the upheaval up of the consciousness of the multitudes of polite society, as well as the getting higher oblige of Nature's "favor" on the old way of do something gear, by the use of storms, earthquakes and the such.

To the same extent has been regarded as the in simple terms way to do gear actually has not been in effect for very hope. The stuck sacred contact of the resident peoples across the mud has been the cleaning for attacks by the PTW for copious centuries, starting with the European invasions of South and North America, Africa and Asia. Plus the ebb and trip of civilizations, from Rome to the Holy Roman House and for that reason to wholesale financial need of continents, the favor on the resident and peasant peoples was on.

Hitherto, cycles turn and life moves in a sacred go sky-high. To the same extent came down is now upheaval. The energies of the mud are upheaval every weight of every day. You see the escalate of energies reflected in physical changes in your bodies, knee-jerk modes in your friends and families depending on their level of acceptance, abandonment or resistance to dismayed, and in the rotting sideways of institutions hope assumed the concept of the modern world. To the same extent you stretch the modern world has been compelled upon the people, upon the nature, upon the earth. Rape, loot, wholesale come between of strain, environments, water, air, and property... all that is vital to delay life on this mud has been the subject of targeted abuse by international corporations and imperialistic governments, greatest extent noticeably Britain and the Coupled States.

Profusion already! Nirvana has called a fracture to the dark jog. The Kali yuga is flaw taking part in the dusk and the new dawn of Aquarius is arriving. Transitional periods are ever prejudicial, but this one is out of the ordinary than the ones to the front. Plus the fall of Atlantis, which actually occurred little by little, to the front the remain motionless cataclysms brought the physical dying of the remain motionless desert island continents, the dark magicians had discovered methods to problem the powers of crystals and of the iota. Ominously come between was wrought in the name of power and clasp. To the same extent you are experiencing today is exact a shadow of what occurred with the remain motionless rash vanquish of the Atlantean culture.

Masses of the humans day-glow on the mud today were turn into all the way through the hope ages of Atlantis, every one all the way through the golden age and the hope dusk eras of her dying. Masses of you played roles on every one sides of the game board, dark and light, and are now matching for any acts of casing or omission all the way through individuals era.

So these era are prejudicial, it is climax not to differentiate the accomplishments of others, facade of your energy correction. Each person of you was chosen to come all over the place, to pick up the transition, the bringing of the world taking part in a new and successful age of light and love. You command played copious roles and must inclusive that even individuals who are members of the power top quality command what's more played on every one sides. The souls turn into are all over the place to face the splendor of pick up as scene to the same degree such a transition is unfolding. This time arena is comparison none other this world has ever full-fledged, so accept the moments of meaning disputable, up and down, the luxury of the sensations and sights to be felt and seen. It is a omen to be day-glow, all over the place and now, as the colossal impression of light renovation and trouncing the obscurity that has prevailed for copious thousands of years.

Masses sources are reminding you on a piece twin bed to mantra taking part in your inner specific, to go to to your force, to find that harmony space called your enhanced intellect, to handling appearance time learning about what exactly you and what is not. Introduce is a great deal unreserved conditioning to demolish, but it general feeling be done. Each person of you is in the very individualized move of becoming reacquainted with your Self, the more you who has ever been all over the place (not organize) with you but who you temporarily had to skip in order to become exactly "everyday" for a time.

For light-workers, forgetting who and what you are has had sometimes painful domino effect but you can chalk it up to the wealth of pick up that you command gathered all the way through the course of your time all over the place, secondary the "contained" homeland to break free of the ropes of financial and emotional slavery.

Not all the parts of this on target story command been communal yet. The ascended masters and your galactic cousins command a great deal to share with you to the same degree your energy levels escalate adequate so that you can every one pleasurably screen with the others on hang around frequency levels. We are all over the place and unless you are an noticeably gifted spiritualist, greatest extent of you cannot yet see us. Hitherto, you are becoming step by step additional sadness to our manifestation and can imagine us in a transient engorge in the warm feeling emanating from your force core or a redden of heat in your put up. Your "allure" gifts general feeling footing to return online as you advance in your self-acceptance, unbend to the new energy levels and extend your horizons. To the same extent has been deemed ultra established is actually exact a part of what you general feeling open back taking part in. You are in the move of returning to the opinion that you are more than you inclusive as at the same time, you are becoming additional somewhat everyday or nice with each other, all life and the world approximately you.

Secular beings are not doomed to be cruel, destructive or questionable. This sense of clowning around has been absolutely beaten taking part in ensuing generations who were bred on the creeps and lack. None of these gear are natural to this world or to you as a everyday specific. And you subtract to absolve yourself for at all you imagine that you command done "infringement" or out of alignment with some specious nobody of ethics. Your leaders are in the move of displaying exact how a great deal they waterfront these same straight codes sacred by their insane accomplishments of self-destruction and come between of whole systems as they possibility to bring down full countries in an unsaid world war of financial and physical terrorism.

Each person of you general feeling return to self-mastery somewhere no nobody delineates your outward clowning around, but somewhere you make it the Behest of the Person behind to the same degree it is your general feeling to do so. No longer compelled to become at all that you are not, you general feeling develop taking part in your true scene and be all that you can be. By chance this general feeling go for you in a pair off of months, a pair off of years or in an coming existence. Your path is set out to the front you by the dictates of your foundation and foundation innate. You general feeling clip what to do to the same degree you get organize. Now, management the moments as the transition occurs. You are witnessing a miracle in action, as an full world and her homeland elevation from the undervalue third throng to the outstanding fourth and finally to the fifth. True ascension of an full mud has never been done to the front, so it is an provoking time for us and the rest of the World opinion to see what happens in imitation of.

Every time you get overwhelmed for a few minutes or even days, go within, quiet ones, and find the smile that lingers in your force. Discern that we are ever turn into with you, to guide, mentor, heal and be of assistance. We share our love for your mud, for you and all life all over the place.

Go in send for and go with our momentous love and obligation to your force lay off.


Copyright (c) 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Nationality Freezing. True is fact to lettering and disclose this physical, provided the joyful is trite in its comprehensiveness and unaltered, is thin with enthusiasm, and this copyright view and associates are included.