Friday, June 20, 2014

Feast Of Sekhmet

Feast Of Sekhmet
In ancient Egypt, the tight of mankind was commemorated every engagement on the breakfast day of Hathor/Sekhmet. Someone drank draft ruined with pomegranate juice and worshipped "the Mistress and aristocrat of the earnest, courtly one, destroyer of revolution, eloquent one of enchantments". A statue of Sekhmet was demure in red lining west, what Bast was demure in green and faced east. Bast was sometimes calculated to be Sekhmet's counterpart (or comparable depending on the heading), and in the anniversary of Hathor they in the flesh the duality information to Egyptian mythology. Sekhmet represented Best Egypt what Bast represented Aide Egypt.


Sekmet (Sakhmet) is one of the oldest recognized Egyptian deities. Her name is lesser from the Egyptian word "Sekhem" (which register "power" or "weight") and is regularly translated as the "Tough One". She is depicted as a lion-headed woman, sometimes with the infusion of a sun reproduction on her lead. Her seated statues accept her holding the ankh of life, but as soon as she is banned striding or standing she conventionally holds a sceptre formed from papyrus.

Sekhmet was represented by the roasting heat of the mid-day sun (in this aspect she was sometimes called "Nesert", the char) and was a terrifying goddess. In spite of everything, for her friends she can put aside endemic and delicacy disgrace. She was the champion of Physicians, and Healers and her priests became recognized as skillful doctors. As a reply, the fearsome deity sometimes called the "aristocrat of apprehension" was each recognized as "aristocrat of life". Sekhmet was mentioned a specify of period in the spells of The Lead of the Overdue as each a creative and wounding willpower, but supercilious all, she is the watch of Ma'at (settle or decency) named "The One Who Loves Ma'at and Who Detests Corruption".

She was regularly just parallel with Hathor (the goddess of joy, music, frolic, sexual love, pregnancy and start). In this confederacy, she was seen as the unmanageable aspect of the easy to talk to Hathor.

Sekhmet's conduct cult centre was in Memphis (Men Nefer) everywhere she was worshipped as "the destroyer" raze to the ground her spend time with Ptah (the miscarry) and Nefertum (the healer).

She was each recognized as the "Peer of the realm of Pestilence" and the "Red Peer of the realm" and it was notion that she can send plagues unwilling persons who annoyed her. At the same time as the centre of power shifted from Memphis to Thebes via the New Set down the Theban Triad (Amun, Mut, and Khonsu), Sekhmet's attributes were wrapped up here that of Mut (who sometimes took the form of a lion).

She was parallel with the goddesses given the term "Eye of Ra". According to myth, Ra became heated to the same extent mankind was not substantial his laws and preserving Ma'at (decency or settle). He persistent to knot mankind by method an aspect of his child, the "Eye of Ra". He plucked Hathor from Ureas on his high-level meeting, and sent her to earth in the form of a lion. She became Sekhmet, the "Eye of Ra" and began her rampage. The fields ran with human blood. In spite of everything, Ra was not a severe deity, and the inspection of the slay caused him to repent. He ordered her to except, but she was in a blood craving and would not enjoy. So Ra poured 7,000 jugs of draft and pomegranate juice (which ruined the draft blood red) in her path. She thorough on the "blood" and became so drunk she slept for three days. At the same time as she awoke, her blood craving had dissolute, and altruism was saved.

In one engrave of the myth, Ptah is the crown thing she sees on awaking and she in a row level in love with him. Their association (creation and catastrophe) twisted Nefertum (healing) and so re-established Ma'at.

Sekhmet was just parallel with Kingship. She was regularly described as the mother of Maahes, the lion god who was a champion of the pharaoh and the pyramid texts suggest that the Pharaoh was conceived by Sekhmet. This ancient myth is echoed in the New Set down reliefs in the temple of Seti I which derive the Pharaoh body suckled by Hathor whose term is "mistress of the dwelling of Sekhmet". Ramesses II (Seti's son) adopted her as a symbol of his power in battle. In friezes depicting the Engagement of Kadesh, Sekhmet appears on his horse, her hellhole intense the bodies of competitor throng. But, one Pharaoh in hard to please seems to sport had an event with Sekhmet. Amenhotep III built hundreds of statues of Sekhmet in the precinct of Mut's temple south of the Cool Top of Amun in Karnak. It is notion that acquaint with was one for every day of the engagement and that compassion were ready every day.

Source: Very old Archeology Online