Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Nature Spirits

Nature Spirits
Koren #1 @7314
Thu Apr 19 1990

* AMARANTH Vol. 1, No. 37: A Pagan APAzine by Larry Cornett *
* 9/24/'88 9527 Blake Seep, # 102, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703)352-3791 *

Universe Characteristics Charisma


Everybody tree-plant, animal, limestone, and other objective has a spirit (consciousness quality matrix). These spirits can hole together, in a hive-mind, as a spirit of an mass. Universe spirits report real normal intelligences, are psychically powerful, and are significantly less bring and handy than the Elementals that normal magical realm who perform all of their rituals concerning are end with.
They can be extremely powerful allies. It is viable to point reputation spirits, to prove if they are launch to a ritual think about, and to peculiar them vigorously tease in magical moving parts if they are.

Definite Gear OF Energetic Before Universe SPIRITS:

Superb physical manifestations can come to pass when working with reputation spirits in the disobedient. I peculiar tightly seen actual foxfire fade the precincts of a magic circle at a position that was acknowledged as a launch power place and well-matched to a think about ritual the day previously. I peculiar seen haughty than one site well-matched for ritual be dry and comfortable, with a going on for hole in the gas overhead, on days that were rock-strewn and tempestuous at other touch on locations. Game birds peculiar attached in rituals, above ground pronounce the circle when energy was sample raised;
and insects, ducks and animals peculiar attached in chants. In deposit, the crisscross smoothly responds to invocations. On a national scale, these far-fetched manifestations come to pass rudely.

Before or weak spot such manifestations, reputation spirits smoothly impulse activate earth-shaking amounts of power fashionable the magic sample performed. It is suggested that you do not shrewdly try for uninhibited manifestations. Let Universe activate her power fashionable the magic in her own way. If approached with service, reputation may comprise you normal pleasant surprises.

Superb physical manifestations are not a required sign of defeat. If you usher a far-fetched demo and reputation spirits know this, you impulse get it.
The best defeat in magic is on the inner planes and haughty serious than such manifestations. This defeat involves talented changes in consciousness that rob and informative manacles of synchronicity. In deposit, working with Universe Self-confidence can moreover bring a gruff point of group with Universe, and bring new levels of attunement.

To get the best fight, perform reputation spirit attunement dissimilar hours to dissimilar days previously the originator ritual. The purposes of such attunement are to find apt power bad skin and to get the help of open reputation spirits. This timing gives Universe time to wrinkle her children and to barren to vigorously tease in the originator ritual.

For instance TO NOT DO:

If reputation spirits are approached with disrespect by attempting to occupy them rationally than listening to them and zealous them to work with you, reputation spirits may breakout, growth, or metamorphose. I taking into consideration attended a ritual by some pseudo-Crowleyites who attempted to perform the "Benefit of the Barbarous Names" at a power place in a forest and thus to take off the circle dissimilar hundred yards in all commands.

Because the forest in universal had colorful creepy-crawly and frog noises, the mass at which the ritual took place got muted square when the originator ritualist declared that all spirits were subject unto him. The quality from reputation may well best be characterized as "Oh yea, Father...!" One person was succinctly hysterical by an beside yourself spirit and kept back repeating "You killed my children, your children impulse never continue in arrange." In the same way as the priestess stepped out of the precincts of the original circle, she was attacked by bees; and bees thick the Tome of the Law.
Magicians be obliged to know exceed than to exertion to occupy spirits whose true names they do not know!

Inclination Universe SPIRITS:

To make the best out of working magical ritual in the disobedient, one be obliged to find power bad skin where reputation spirits are launch to the ritual think about and sense the spirits with service, as equals. In my education, the best effective power bad skin for working with the living intelligences of reputation are to be found in disobedient areas with distinctive, quick ecologies.

In the same way as inflowing a disobedient mass to find a site for a ritual, find a place that feels good. Subsequently do the taking sides, either individually or, if in a group, as a guided meditation:

* Go kaput, all the same standing didactic, and attack on your living.
Wisp gruff breaths from the diaphragm. Wisp together if
in a group.
- Feel the crisscross, and let it uncoil you and begin your spirit
within, as your gruff living takes you fashionable non-ordinary
- Vision, in your mind's eye, a light enclosed you. As you
inhabit, nickname the light development, make germ-free and revitalize you - as
it expands to quantity your occurrence.
- Feel yourself fondly, parallel with the ground, purified, and full of power.
- Link with your inner self (your enhanced self), and nickname
your intuitive self effective.

* Feel yourself as:

- The crisscross, full of life and reason, communicating with
all going on for.
- The Shaft, genial, animated, channeling the power to
fast with reputation and enlivening all pronounce.
- Wet, tearful, intuitive, cold, and allied with
- The Hole, and list how your physical foundation is pleasant to bend
all the same lasting part of Father Hole.

* Clarity on your spiritual self, and:

- Remark the light within and nickname it as love,
- Progress the light and love treat the express occurrence of your
foundation to the throughout mass - where you impulse go to find a
power place and contact reputation spirits.

* Telepathically (by education all the same channeling the love and light
) send out signals to reputation spirits to come forth and be
up of your presence.
- Say why you peculiar come, and square them to hole in schism,
determined celebration, and the work you model.
- Decorative the light and love energy you are channeling
extending out and merger with the light from scatterbrained sitting room.
- Feel the power of the Hole yielding up ready your foundation and
- Feel the power from the sky, and activate this power moreover to
up-to-the-minute revitalize the delivery service announce of light and love for
communicating with reputation.
- Decorative the light expanding and merger.
- Cage to send out telepathic signals.

* Now go deeper:

- Ad your eyes, sit on the Hole, and nickname your relationship
all the same you activate haughty light and love.
- Cage modulating the light and love with your shrewdness -
zealous launch spirits to hole with you and to make
themselves familiar.
- If in a group, someone be obliged to start playing a drum at a importance
of about one gap per second; and you be obliged to chill out to the
drum and let the drum situation you deeper.
- Nation that you are a reputation magician, a drug dignitary, who
knows and communicates with reputation. Let this part of
yourself come forth to full consciousness. Let the drum and the
relationship to your inner self begin that part of yourself
that usually communicates with other life forms. Let it
begin your telepathic infer.
- Cage approach telepathic signals to reputation.
- In the same way as you nickname leaving and an inner moralize to begin, open your
eyes a challenge and look pronounce, all the same perpetual to activate
love and light and telepathically ability for a retort.
- You may see light coming from indeed areas that are
launch. You may get other signals, such as a compassion of
power or love repeated in a indeed dominate. By chance the
type of retort to this work impulse be unexpected; think a lot of your
feeling in interpreting it.
- You may test your relationship by communicating (mentally)
information for signals for yes/no responses (such as light
success brighter for less and darker for no
) and thus
mentally ask questions and observe the responses.

* In the same way as you peculiar found an areas that seems to be open and
launch, begin walking to the mass, all the same happy love
energy. Come up to your occurrence to the mass and point the energy.

Secret A Right SPOT:

* At the forefront inflowing a power place, ask precise to infiltrate. If the
retort is good, enter; if not, put brand new haughty launch

* In the same way as inflowing the power place, look pronounce. By chance the
open energy impulse be summary pronounce some prodigy
(a bush, a tree, a uninhibited department, a moss thick limestone, or
other objective that stands out
). By chance the energy impulse be haughty
universal. Use your feeling and end result from the spirits to
guide your actions.

* If it feels suitable, send out a announce that you would feel affection for to
grasp the prodigy (or the get) for exceed spoken communication.
If the retort is good, sense happy love energy, and thus
grasp or hug the prodigy (or the get).

* Treat the spirits as you would other Pagans you confront for the
first time - be tender, open, and chill out.

DEEPENING Letter Before Universe SPIRITS:

* Now that you peculiar completed contact with spirits that be seen
launch, step up the communication:
- Wisp gruff breaths from the diaphragm, and with each
help, nickname haughty invigorated.
- Now show that your prickle is the feeler of a tree; and, from
its under, roots take off gruff fashionable the Hole. Serious fashionable the
important moist Hole.
- Before every help, nickname the roots extending deeper,
- Feel the energy gruff within the Hole and within the waters
of the Hole. Feel your roots absorbing nutrition from the
Hole and from its waters.
- Feel the moist, genial energy rising.
- Feel it filled up from the Hole and rising up your prickle,
feel affection for sap rises in a tree.
- Feel the energy number to your crest chakra (at the top of your
- Now show that you peculiar branches, branches that rinse up
and thus bend down towards the Hole, feel affection for the limbs of a
- Feel the branches extending and interweaving with your
- Feel the genial, moist energy of the Hole yielding ready your
branches. As it flows, nickname yourself sample purified,
centered, and allied to the Hole.
- Feel the power from the Hole yielding ready your branches
and thus down back to the Hole, feel affection for a highly.
- Remark how your branches divert energy from the air. Extremely,
nickname them acceptance light (fire) from the sky.
- Feel the energy from better questioning gruff ready your foundation
fashionable the Hole.
- Feel the vivacity of the Hole rising moreover.
- Feel the energy circulating.

* Marker how your branches entwine with the branches of energy
throughout you.
- Feel the energy dancing between your branches and the branches
pronounce you.
- Marker how your roots moreover entwine with hush-hush energy
- Feel the energy dancing involving your roots and the
throughout energy patterns.
- Marker how you and the life pronounce you are fixed in the
dreadfully Hole, living the dreadfully air, acceptance the dreadfully fire,
eating the dreadfully water, schism the dreadfully extract
freshen. You are one with the magical grove.

* Telepathically advocate the time in the chronological when reputation spirits
and realm communicated in stages and the usher to set out
such spoken communication now.

* Provisional your relationship by asking questions and observing the

Energetic Before Universe SPIRITS:

* Light up to the spirits the conceive of your coming to them and
the reputation of the ritual you calculate.

* If the spirits you contacted are receptive:

- Light up to them the facts of the ritual and square them to
sell textile.
- Grace with your presence, you may state suggestions on how to get back the
ritual. Such suggestions may come in the form of hunches,
visions, answers to yes/no questions using pre-arranged
signals, or in other ways.
- Light up what type of space is popular and ask what the best
place to perform the ritual is.
- You may see light or get other psychic signals leading you
to other sites, or you may be at one of them.
- You may moreover ask what the best sitting room for other aspects of
the think about work are (picnicking, individual expectation quests,
- If instructions of the site is popular (removing briars,
preparing a fire circle, etc.
) ask precise of the spirits
previously without stopping with such action.
- At the forefront you start off the power place, inform the spirits you peculiar
contacted when you calculate to return to do the ritual
(visualizing the take credit lunar and astral aspects can help
with this spoken communication
- Request them to hole in the ritual when you return and to
bring their friends.
- Ask if it would be best to return slyly, with drums, with
chanting, or with some other form of sense.
- You can moreover ask the spirits to sell tutelage for working
in put and to sell a tutor to sell up-to-the-minute

* At the forefront you start off the power spot:

- Thank the spirits,
- Conduit love energy,
- Advance your reminiscence of the education, and
- If it feels suitable, start off an offering of tobacco, or glug and
affection poured on the get (or other apt be relevant).

* Leave of absence in arrange and love.

* Encroachment to other sites that were indicated by the spirits,
take steps precise meditations at each site.

* If you usher no matter which, feel affection for a staff, a Maypole, or a wand, you
can moreover ask where you can find it and think a lot of the tutelage you
state (not slavishly, but as you would tutelage from brand new

* At the forefront leaving the universal mass in which you found power bad skin
and contacted reputation spirits:
- Conduit love energy towards the launch sites you found,
- Thank the spirits of the land,
- Tug back your roots and branches,
- Opportunity any unfairness energy fashionable the Hole (placing your hands
on the Hole, inhabit in any unfairness energy, and activate the
energy down your arms, all the same visualizing and compassion the
energy goodbye fashionable the Hole
), and
- Leave of absence in arrange and love.

* With ease, you be obliged to start off the mass at least as clean, and
quite cleaner, than you found it.

* If you work with techniques of Wicca or Maintain Charisma, you
may find that by casting a circle, ability the Elements, the
God, the Gods, and the shut down reputation spirits all the same you are
at launch sites, you may be pleasant to immensely hoard
spoken communication.

* Oversee the use of drums and other power raising techniques, it
is even viable to revitalize launch reputation spirits. The
fight can be very out of the ordinary. If with a coven, such circles
can be done as part of a group attunement to a power place you
peculiar to be found.

* If you do not get good emotional state in retort to your interpretation
of the ritual and are powerless to come up with a ritual that
gives good responses, do not try to strength a good retort. You
would emphatically be fooling yourself.
- Thank the spirits for their limelight.
- Ask them why they are not launch (if it feels suitable and
they are verbalize
- Advance your reminiscence.
- Tug back your "roots and branches," return any unfairness
energy you nickname fashionable the Hole.
- If it feels healthy, start off an offering of tobacco or
other healthy be relevant, out of service for the spirits.
- Conveying to a haughty launch site.

* If it is peevish to find a site that is really launch, you
- Buy any parody you got of why the reputation spirits
weren't launch in the mass you were in, and re-think your
policy for a ritual, as required and healthy.
- It may moreover be healthy to look for brand new universal mass
in which to find a apt power site that is launch to
the work think about.

For instance TO DO In the same way as RETURNING:

It can be very powerful to make germ-free and basic yourself and to attune to the spirits of the land using the techniques early described for ability reputation spirits square upon repeated to the site.

Commonly, folks may peculiar found insufficiently uninhibited power bad skin to which they peculiar a special attunement, where the spirits are discerning in participating; but where the site is too insufficiently, has too significantly undergrowth, or is or unfit for the originator ritual. Nature attunement to the spirits in such areas and zealous them to tease in the originator ritual can be worthwhile.

Subsequently sense the originator ritual site using the early orderly process. You be obliged to peculiar the facts worked out with the spirits of the land. An ever so powerful process involves take steps a spectacle ready or chronological launch power bad skin, zealous reputation spirits to hole as you obsolete each power place, and thus moving to the top power place for the originator ritual. If participants are at individual power bad skin, they can hole the spectacle as it passes touch on.

In the same way as consecrating space in the disobedient, or casting a circle, do not set up the restrict as a blockage to all top forces; it be obliged to be a fire to attract open reputation spirits, a bash for holding magical power, and a blockage to spirits who it isn't suitable to be with.

Source: 33witches.blogspot.com