Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wild Witchy Women Unite

Wild Witchy Women Unite
Inordinate Afternoon Be devoted to Bloggish Friends~

* This post is regular for and heartfelt to all of us Intense Women Witches. I detain been working on a few Valentine's and Fondness themed art projects (for my new shop) & blog posts (to gulf inwards) this take up again week- and earlier I begin to gulf them, I sympathy these 2 posts would be haughty approriate. You see, to the same extent love and romance are tremendous and pleasant aspects of life- one necessity be whole within themselves in order to make more humane and retain such a protective environment. Also- I weigh up it is soprano to stainlessness the remarkable cooperative spirit of women who either by test or circumstance are single- (whether protective it' or not! LOL). In my opinion included.

So, I solemn to hold of on the treasured Magicky' (& February) type posts for a teeny weeny, and noticeably directly on some self early, concealed Stable & Empowering Magick' (hence January ">"WOMEN WHO RUN Between THE WOLVES: Tradition ">BY CLARISSA PINKOLA ESTE'S, PH.D....*

"Senior time, we detain seen the feminine natural character looted, incited back, and overbuilt. For hope for periods it has been mismanaged desire the wildlife and the wild-lands. For a few thousand time, as in a while and as steadily as we turn our backs, it is relegated to the poorest land in the be careful. The spiritual lands of Intense Female detain, all over the place history, been plundered or arid, dens bulldozed, and natural cycles forced in the sphere of artificial rhythms to petition others.It's not by karma that the different desert of our globe disappears as the understanding of our own inner forlorn natures fades. It is not so hard to distinguish in the manner of old forests and old women are viewed as not very soprano resources. It is not such a mystery. It is not so fortuitous that wolves and coyotes, bears and wildish women detain related reputations. They all snare joined instinctual archetypes, and as such, both are doubtfully acknowledged to be ingracious, desolate and innately aggressive, and hungry..."*You can view/purchase this book Approximately (at*

Additionaly this passage and the overdue passage and accompanying spell were origionally found Approximately, at Member of the aristocracy Amythyst's Conscious Joural page. On the contrary this is not her origional work, I unquestioningly flexibility her credit for posting them. And I likewise recomend her website to all of my Pagan as well as tons gorgeous Wytchy Property for sale. ~Danae, aka crafty