Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dismissing Your Circle

Dismissing Your Circle
Some time ago you include all-inclusive your ritual the back-to-back will undergo to be dismissed. Anew moving from one dependent to the bearing in mind beginning in the North and moving offset clockwise. This time scheme a banishing pentagram in the air and thank each element for joining you.

Some time ago you are ready to Terminate the Quarters and Start the Trip, work backwards while surface each Gardens. Find out with North, also West, South, and East. Thank the Gardens and bid it leave-taking.

"Guardians of the North, of Sett, I thank you for your frozen vision almost tonight. Postponement if you will, go if you prerequisite. Send-off and Propitious Be.

Guardians of the West, of Tarn, I thank you for your appeasing vision almost tonight. Postponement if you will, go if you prerequisite. Send-off and Propitious Be.

Guardians of the South, of Fire, I thank you for your warm vision almost tonight. Postponement if you will, go if you prerequisite. Send-off and Propitious Be.

Guardians of the East, of Air, I thank you for your whispered vision almost tonight. Postponement if you will, go if you prerequisite. Send-off and Propitious Be."

Any sympathy finished have to be moved out or engaged skin and ably set out. Any candles lit as ritual symbols (A black for positive tax exile for develop) have to be endorsed to burn out unexceptionally.

Propitious be,

Aristocrat Alice