Monday, September 22, 2008

Gypsy Funeral

Gypsy Funeral Cover
At one time, it was commonly believed that just as the body is a vehicle for the spirit on earth, the "is the vehicle for the body on earth.

When someone died, their "and most of their possessions were burned because their "vehicle for the body" was no longer needed.

Funerals are a very important rite of passage for the Gypsy Traveller community. When a Gypsy dies it is usual for a vigil to be kept over the body, which is kept illuminated until after the time of the funeral. The deceased is usually buried with the owner's intimate personal possessions such as jewellery and trinkets.

Some Gypsy funerals will attract people from all over the country to pay their respects and floral tributes are usually on a grand scale. Personal items belonging to the deceased such as clothing, bedding and china are usually burnt or destroyed after the funeral. Many years ago, the wagon was very often burnt as well, but this is rarely done today.

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