Now, how on earth would this little sharing signify that the Tarot cards work? It turns out that the dream of the traveling gypsy caravan was actually my grandfathers' adopted parents and family doing the traveling. They were a psychic band of gypsies that did fortune telling and palmistry, for each town they visited. I had been having this dream, on and off for a few years, until one day, while recuperating from knee surgery, I was telling my mom about my dream and she informed me of my grandfathers' life, when he was a kid. Imagine my surprise!
My grandfather’s adoptive mom was the one that did card readings and palmistry. My grandfathers life, was very hush, hush back in those days, those days being the early 1900's. For me, back in the 70's, the timing of talking about the Tarot was just not right. Obviously, I was in awe, but would soon forget about the dreams, until 7 years later, when I got married and my husband and I were unpacking and out came the deck of cards: the Rider Waite Tarot. Again, the cards made their appearance and were put away and forgotten. Finally, in 1984, the cards made another appearance in my life. I was 27 and it seemed like the timing was right.
The Tarot is a journey of consciousness and of wisdom, that shows us visually and energetically, the creative ideas and levels of consciousness that appear to us in our life experiences.
The Tarot, and the energy and essence of these cards were determined to be a part of my life. I was born into an Italian/Catholic family in this life and so logically and humanly, the Tarot was not a topic of conversation that would take place in my home life and yet, as an empath, with a high level of intuition, the Tarot was going to become a part of my life, no matter what.
The Tarot cards work, however, not in the way that I logically thought they would. In my teens, 20's and very early 30's, I always felt very overwhelmed by everything I was feeling. I would sense and feel life around me, and had to play catch up, with myself in learning how to put it to words. I began to notice, that once I learned the meanings of the cards and began doing readings for others, I was able to tap into my intuition and find the words to the feelings that needed expression. Now, as I look back on this 25-year journey, it all makes perfect sense
The Tarot worked for me in the way, that it opened my logical mind and expanded and evolved my perceptions. It taught me and guided me in how to step out of logic, yes, I continue to be very logical and practical, however, my intuitive sense is my guide on my journey.
The Tarot works in teaching us how to go deeper under the surface to the visual of life. It teaches and guides us into discovering the purpose and nature of life changes.
Yes, there are times where the energy of a reading will present the potential of something coming to pass, however, for me; my journey was more of a discovery for understanding the subtle happenings under the surface to everyday life.
It is safe to say, that the Tarot works in connecting our emotions, feelings, the metaphysical and the spiritual; bringing our life and the deeper meaning, into balance and a better understanding; to live a more heart centered and soul-guided life.
When we are ready to step out of the everyday norm and follow the promptings of our heart, the Tarot works in bringing amazing new discoveries and insights to our life, that we may not have had the chance to discover.
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