Walking softly and carrying a big stick.
Why did the Fool cross the road?
To get that yappy little dog off his heels.
Why did the Magician cross the road?
To manifest his desires into reality.
How did the Magician cross the road?
Backwards, to deliberately obscure his crossing.
How did the High Priestess cross the road?
She didn't, she knew it wasn't her time to cross the road.
How did the Empress cross the road?
With her heart in her hands.
Why did the Empress cross the road?
Well, someone had to do it!
How did the Emperor cross the road?
He's too uptight to cross the road and besides this is
HIS side of the road.(see "The Testrophobical Thing")
Why did the Emperor cross the road?
They have cable.
Why did the Emperor cross the road to Canada?
They have cable, beer and Hockey Night in Canada.
Why did the Emperor cross the road?
The Empress took the converter.
Why did the Emperor and the Hierophant cross the road?
To avoid treatment for advanced testosterone poisoning (aka
Male Bonding).
How did the Heirophant cross the road?
At the crosswalk.
Why did the Heirophant cross the road?
He saw a sign.
How did the Lovers cross the road?
It was their choice.
Why did the Lovers cross the road?
They had to come out to forage for food sometime.
How did the Chariot cross the road?
0-90 in .5
Why did the Chariot cross the road?
He was looking for Resolution.
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