A layout will be needed to follow, that will designate a meaning for each card position. Layouts can be found in the booklets that come with the decks or in books on the Tarot. The most common is the Celtic Cross, which consists of ten cards. And of course, once some experience has been gained, one create one's own layouts.
Some readers will make a prayer asking for higher guidance or will visualize a surrounding white light. While some readers will sit silently for a moment. Incense can also help prepare for a more receptive mood. While candles can add to ambience. In other words, it's all very personal and whatever helps one to be silent and open should be used.
Then shuffle. And cut. Many readers are very adamant in how all this happens. Some say one must shuffle with the left hand and cut with the left hand. Cutting into three stacks to the left. Again, there is no authority with the Tarot. There is no dogma. Experiment. Do what feels right.
Finally lay out the cards, either face up or face down. Again no set rules. Face down allows one to concentrate on each card more; while face up will immediately show the overall pattern.
Once the cards are placed, the interpretation commences. Most will want to use the supplied booklet or another book to use for interpretations. However, this method is only a continuation of the left-brain learning process we are conditioned from early age, that is memorizing someone else's ideas. Looking at other's ideas has its place, but it doesn't allow for utilizing one's own intuition when books are the source of inspiration. To be inspired is to be filled with Spirit and that comes from within.
If one is looking for counseling, meditation or clarity, all that is needed to know in the beginning are the various elements of the suits. For example: cups represent water, emotions, love, imagination, dreams and delusions; swords represent air, the mind, discrimination, communication, learning, cutting away and conflict; rods represent fire, creativity, spirit, spontaneity, passion and forgiveness; and pentacles represent earth, money, survival issues, health, and work. And if especially the cards are expressive, like the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck, the characters' expressions will tell the answers. They will come alive and communicate on a feeling level.
Keep it simple, for truth is simple. And at the onset be like a child. The more one works with the cards, and does not expect great revelations in the beginning, the more books and other readers won't be relied upon. Then if the desire persists, add onto the initial experiences with more studies about the Tarot, as well as perhaps astrology, numerology, the Cabbalah, psychology, symbology, myths, whatever else one is drawn to. The Tarot is flexible enough to work with nearly any path.
The Tarot is a lot of fun and wonderfully insightful, when we come to it with the attitude and fascination of a child. It reminds us of the adventure we are all on. And when each card is seen as sacred and is treated with respect, those who come into our lives, and who embody those energies of the Tarot will also be seen and treated as sacred, no matter if he or she takes on the role of "The Devil" himself.
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Aleister Crowley - One Star In Sight
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