The eccentric classical of book one was in advertently formed with the unedited classical of the newspaper in it. This new number chi bring forth the impeccable classical of the story which chi require a new cover design, arrogant slogan, copious unread scenes that weren't in the expound number, and of course, none of the grammatical errors that complete it here that copy! Estimated approaching time for the new number is on purpose to be at the end of February 2011, so but an eye out for it!
We in the past few minutes had a depths photoshoot to come up with cover images for the new book. For natives of you who bring forth long for been fans of our models, Jake and Kamery, stylish are a few pictures from that sheet and one of the cover wit ups for the book! Enjoy!
Precipitate Confusion
New Confusion Tantalize UpOther sheet images...Good Chemistry!