Friday, September 17, 2010

Abraxas Journal Three Signed

Abraxas Journal Three Signed
London: Fulgur & Treadwells, 2013. Narrow-minded story. Softback, new. ARTICLES & ESSAYS * Zaheer Gulamhusain, 'Sufism: A Theurgic Perspective * Christina Oakley Harrington, A Rigid Remark [Gardnerian Witchcraft. Body and 1964 photo verify] * Francesco Dimitri, 'Saint Spider' [Italian Tarantella] * Tomas d'Aradia, determination [witchcraft, tarot] * Joseph Uccello, 'The Paracelsus of the Umbratick Evester' [design special - Paracelsus alchemy book] CROWLEY Special Section * William Sail, 'Caves of Sorcerers: The American Initial stages of Crowley's Profession * Giuseppe di Liberti, 'Crowley the Painter in Cefalu and the Start of the Palermo Crowd * Marco Pasi, 'Aleister Crowley, Paintings and the Moving parts from the Palermo Crowd * Marco Pasi, 'An Derelict of the Palermo Crowd Creator INTERVIEWS * Denis Forkas Konstantin grilling by Robert Ansell * Jesse Bransford Question by Pam Grossman Feature ESSAYS * Christina Mitrentse, The Restricted Series [photo verify] * Sara Hannant, 'Eight English Rituals' [photo verify] Poetry * Robert Yates, tread Real * Adel Souto, 'Do Me Dada Talent * Paul Cowlan, 'Hunting Amber' * Siofra McSherry, 'Casting Publicize * Paul Hardacre, 'of the stars, and two' * Paul Cowlan sly the Hermitage' * Stephen Alexander, 'In the Bookshop' And numerous artists The post Abraxas Life history Three - Signed appeared acme on Treadwells.