For instance I find interesting is that the Norse are 180 for one person from the Abrahamic religions in regards to be successful. Little the Abrahamic faiths keep hold of that man is created introductory in the image of God and next man is crafted, the Norse countenance at this for one person. Man and man are crafted at the exceedingly time but they are Total. Odin gives them aptitude which is their logic, coolness, and the cinder of motive. Hoenir gives them beauty. They countenance at mankind as kindred spirits of a benign vice subjects. The Abrahamic involve mankind to follow the natural order created by God. Persons are hostile problem theory. The Aesir countenance at fire as coolness and openness and the Abrahamic countenance at fire as a cleasing or fining thing.
The research is fastidious. I like the pictures that you found to post. Ymir doesn't countenance encouraged to become Midgard.