Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Divination Image
Divination is a mixed sort of magick. There are so many methods of divination, that I cannot address them here. Some of the most commonly used methods are: Tarot cards, Rune stones, Astrology, Numerology, Scrying, Palm Reading and even Tea Leaf reading. As you begin in any of these arts, you will go through many stages before you reach any true level of competence. Divination works even though you are not any good at it, by providing you with information that allows you to figure out what you really think. Let's say you are working with Tarot cards (pronounced tuh row or tear oh - the last `t' is silent) and you have asked it if you will find a new lover soon. And the cards come back all focused on travel or some dark haired woman, when your new lover should be a man. Even this seeming unrelated response has the potential to bring insights to your life. What are your instincts concerning this information? Do you know the cards are wrong? Listen to your intuition. Don't get too caught up in wishful thinking. However, if the reading looked unrelated, but later things seem to be heading in that direction, even though you never would have believed it, keep an open mind.

Thus, divination can provide insights even if the person doing the reading is completely cack-handed at it.

Over time see if you have any consistent skills with a particular type of divination tool. I have always been a fan of making my own Rune Stones. I felt that made them more effective as a tool for me. I also have taken the time to sleep with my crystal ball to allow it to become attuned to my power, my energy. I have carried new decks of tarot cards with me for weeks, and properly consecrated them by ritual before use. However, I am very lax in other areas. It does not bother me if others (most of the time) touch my tarot deck. I have had the deck for years, it knows who I am. I will also allow others to handle many of my ritual items. There are some I will not share, however, and I don't know why I feel that way. I just do. So I am polite, but firm on those issues. And if is always polite to check with others prior to handling their tools.

Magick is a both a process and an expression of our religion and personal power. It is to help, not make miserable. Magick with others can greatly magnify the effects of the combined energy, yet some of the most powerful rituals I have ever had were solitary. This subject is so vast, that although this article is long and only glosses over much of the subject, it is the bare beginnings of study on the subject. But, that is what a Wicca 101 is, a taster, a place of beginning. From this you will decide where you want your exploration to go.

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Tags: tarot devil  golden tarot deck  read tarot cards  astral projection out of body  astral travels  astral projection for  instant astral projection  online tarot reader  wicca and pagan