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In this week's Torah fortune ("Terumah"), we are instructed to make "fifty hooks of copper" ( ) for the mishkan (Shemot 26:11).
In an forgotten post, I mentioned that the witch's herb, mugwort, has copper in it. Engagingly, the word for copper in the characterize choice from this week's Torah fortune is - the vastly word used for a female enchantress. A witch.
Fifty () pertains to Reason, the feminine finding Binah.
The shoresh means "twisted mark" - impressive a witch's boline (twisted do injury) is a twisted mark. Extraordinarily, I saw this sickle-shaped mark in the wax of my shabbat candle absolute night as well.
Cargo all this together, the characterize - - suggests that the "50 hooks of copper" in the mishkan are definitely referring to the "understanding of a witch" which "hooks" the truth.
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish holiness holiness jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery witch jewitch jewish female sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual involved spirituality kosher spirituality boline mishkan