Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Magic Of Dungeons And Dragons

Magic Of Dungeons And Dragons Image
Below you'll find the standard meanings to various colors. These can be for candle magick or material used to make satchels or talismans or the color of light you visualize when using energy. Just make sure all candles are properly blessed and dressed before using them. If a color means something different to you, don't be afraid to use it for that purpose. And when desperate or short a color, white can be used in any color's place.

Black: reversing, releasing, repelling, banishing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, discord, send back dark magic and negative influences (thoughts, energy, intentions ">Blue: truth, inspiration, wisdom, occult power, protection, understanding, good health, happiness, peace, tranquility, fidelity, devotion, harmony in the home, patience, healing and health, emotions, all things liquid, the element of water, direction west

Brown: attract money and financial success; influence Earth Elementals, concentration, balance, ESP, intuition, study

Gold or Light Yellow: good fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits, attracts higher influences, masculine/god powers, success, the sun

Green: abundance, fertility, creativity, luck, charity, generosity, finance, money, wealth, success, energy, growth, renewal, marriage, balance, the element of earth, direction north, love

Orange: encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, sudden changes, control, power, to draw good things, change luck, attraction, kindness

Pink: love, affection, romance, spiritual love, spiritual awakening, honor, healing of the spirit, togetherness

Purple: success, idealism, higher psychic ability, wisdom, progress, protection, honors, spirit contact, break bad luck, drive away evil, healing sever disease, divination and power

Red: energy, strength, sexual potency, courage, charity, will power, to conquer fear and laziness, the element of fire, direction south, power, danger, war, protection, strength, vigor, lust, passion. Astrological sign: Aries, Planet: Mars, Tuesdays

Silver or Light Gray: stability, removes negative energies, victory, meditation, develop psychic abilities, feminine/goddess powers, the moon, lunar cycles

Yellow: intellect, imagination, power of the mind, creativity, confidence, gentle persuasion, action, joy, comfort, concentration, inspiration, attraction, sudden changes, jealousy, the element of air, the direction east

White: protection, purity, peace, spirituality, truth, goodness, sincerity, a higher power, wholeness, strength, guidance, guardians & spirit guides.

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Anonymous - Healing Gemstones And Crystals
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