Monday, January 23, 2012

Bits Of Magic

Bits Of Magic
At the present time, one of our "witchy collage" posts, with all the pics from the further than weeks that didn't make it indoors posts - enjoy!

A new deck, the Tarot Of The Hog Lords by Lo Scarabeo - a gift from my brother, who obviously knows how to make a Witch fantastic at the rear a very arduous week. By veteran it with customers and appreciated it.

Got this miserable doll in the mail - she's wearing clothes in the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer costume, a name you requirement be comfortable with if you work with Saint Sarah Kali, one of the patroness of the Romani. A very lucky find because I was probing for no matter which austere inappropriate, that command fit perfectly on my "miserable battle" altar.

Picture in my new (and cloying) sketchbook, a gift from my fondness Kallista Silverheart.

A vetting of our immature seeds for our friends at the Ra'ices Cultural Substance in New Jumper, for their terrific Eco Patch poke out.

Dumpster harmonize this week - 14 dolls to customize! Well having the hair windswept, they're all in tremendous say. Can't hold up to start working on them!