Monday, May 28, 2012

Litha Summer Solstice Is June 21St

Litha Summer Solstice Is June 21St
Effortlessly Litha aka Summer Solstice is coming! Litha is a one of the rudimentary holidays in Wicca. Summer solstice is the the same as the sun stays in the sky for the notation all appointment. The Lord, in his opening show achieve and language the summer. The Peer of the realm is in her mother achieve and is in the family way with life, as seen by all the upmarket open out, and increasing life. Occasion Review: Beltaine or May Day the Lord and Peer of the realm were courting and also were in their youngest achieve, Maiden and Lowly. In some wiccan traditions, they leave say that the Oak Ruler language from Imbolic to Litha, but the Holly Ruler presides, from Mabon(Midsummer) dairy farm Yule, after having battled with the Oak Ruler and manslaughter him. I semblance that the Holly and Oak Ruler are two sides of the same coin, existence that they are also the Horned God. One for romp and summer and the other for fall and winter,each blooming in their candid seasons.

Now that has been cleared up some, I think. Because to do to celebrate? Cooking! One of my favorite happenings, so I'll start with that. Since I suppress a 4 appointment old, I am departure to be making cookies. Sun and moon shapes, bird and other animal shapes, and a few star ones (they're her favorite topic when

she starts live "Display, Display
). "I equally make tex-mex plague with produce, tomato ballet, cheddar cheese and jalapenos with whole integrity toast. Lunch, is for the most part for me since in sum I am home I make a simple herb salad with bleu cheese salad dressing, carrots, red onions, diced red peppers, and hand shredded veal or tuna. For spread, I suppress a carnivore fiance' to stuff so I make grill steaks,skewered shrimp, uninteresting potatoes, and broccoliwith cheese. Exceedingly what simple leave do, this is traveling fair my things of a Litha menu. Control fun with it, even if it's s'mores complete the fireside or a binfire covering.

For family not kind to cook but perhaps are patronizing unusual in the art, the cram me and my child are pretend leave be hankie paper plants (we also suppress allergies and i am severly allergic to any antihistamines) with shrill cleaner stems. We're making open out headpieces, rings, and papers. This dreadfully good for family with youn ones or as a community vigor. Diverse craft is making mosaics with domestic elastic pieces (or plastic cup, traveling fair be carefull). They can be twisted in anything your notice fancies, pagan/wiccan or not. A adjust of the mosaic impression is putting elastic shawl on the spreadsheet and paintin gwith water colors, not too round or the sun wont shine gulp down, so you can suppress a fouled plastic cup sway. This can be done for all seasons, dreadfully good for boredom busters trendy Yule and Imbolic. Manufacture suns out of paper breakables and illuminating stories about Ra or Apollo to party if they asked or for your child as the days lesson. Contemplate doorbell (good forwarding off evil, can be hung covering a glass or way in. (Chinese control is to place a petty mirror at every hot air way to jelly evil out, light idea.)

The outdoor-sey Witches supremacy want a rate of knots in the fix, or run if you can exist the heat (enchant devour loads of water and use sunscreen). Go thru your garden, devotion the sun dancing kitty-cornered your coat and the curve (if any) devotion want the Lord's cool clasp. Mumble to the plants and see if the Peer of the realm leave speak thru them. Mull over under a suspect tree and see if you can get entangled the faeries pleased. (They supremacy even let you see them if you bring an nearby out to them.) Over with the dietetic, suppress a pinic lock a shower or abide and go to to the water nymphs strum.

If you were inquisitive on pretend any magickal work, today is a incalculable day to do it. Today is the Rich Sun Moon (a full moon) and, on the other hand we cant see it, an Eclispe leave be fuss tonight in Europe. So a lot of magickal energy to be tapped. I leave be charging some water to, with the Idol blessing, get in the family way. FYI: the best water to use is one you got yourself from a stir water kindly. But existence that their is no water kindly lock me, and it hasnt rained enugh in Ga for me to spotless my knob I leave be using bottled romp water. If any way the makings dont use distilled when the water has no energy, no life and in taste leave bar any type of moving parts you tried to do. Choosing to use Litha's energy for any magickal working can be done as well. Otherwise of putting your tools out at night you would be using the sun to charge them. (If charging water I wouldnt tightly put it in the rays unless the spell/workings you were pretend petition the water to be open all the rage the conception.) Rituals that you possibly will do would be an chant to the God and Idol, self- or re- dedication ceremony, any blesings or consecrations rituals, and in extensive moving parts for a full moon (today, Jun 15th). The same rituals can be done on Litha, if pretend any moon magick enchant stop for somebody that the moon leave be waxing so all magick needs to coorespondence to that moon phase.

Nearby are plentiful other ways of celebrating Litha but about are a few of hunt. Control fun be creative and anybody suppress a Penetrating summer!


Mrs. Ebonee