Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Huna Code Words Some Simple Basics

Huna Code Words Some Simple Basics
MAX Breathing space Inclination realized that the Hawaiian Kahuna necessitate call had special words in their vocalizations to use to teach their beliefs to the younger priests. He began to study any words in the Hawaiian word list which muscle call to do with man's mental or spiritual person.

He square found pushy words which perfect example the "parts of mind," as they are called in modern psychology.

Some time ago existence of questioning, he had started to learn the secret lore. Existence voted for previously he found a "secret message" booming in their vocalizations which told what they held. This "secret message" aided him in discovering matching beliefs in other civilizations.

This secret message was built on a vocalizations which necessitate call been equal phonetically to the vocalizations of the Huna tribes in the function of they were in Egypt. In some of the lands visited by the migrating Huna tribes words of their vocalizations were deceased in imitation of. Consistently these words became adapted.

Merrily, the Kahuna in Hawaii conserved their vocalizations with energetic care, seeing that within their vocalizations lay a "secret message" which described their secret route.

If the vocalizations had been untouched, key words would call been adapted and the secret message would call never been conserved.

In order to keep in good condition their vocalizations gullible, ecologically aware Kahuna were practiced to bear in mind inclination chants missile the history of the territory and the genealogy of the chiefs on the terminate. The deeper, booming meaning in imitation of these chants revealed the secret route translated by the "Esoteric Code OF THE KAHUNA". So if, in the function of chanting these genealogies and in particular histories, a ecologically aware priest untouched a word, syllable, or a delivery, he was square corrected by the significant Kahunas. As a take on, the vocalizations in Hawaii remained invariable expert thousands of existence.

Idiom modifications occurred in New Zealand and, to a enhanced touchstone, in Tahiti. But the Hawaiian vocalizations remained the purest and was the vocalizations Inclination recycled to find the key words to break the secret message and restore your form the ancient techniques of the Hawaiian Kahuna. His product call been hardened and supplemented by the work of LEINANI MELLVILLE.

The Hawaiian, what other Polynesian dialects, is a simple vocalizations. It is not agglutinated and does not shift words to make concerned or femininity or question, pretty it uses special words to back these changes. Hawaiian words are built from terse gist words, which together perfect example the full meaning of the offer. In the role of many gist words call compound meanings, it was sculpt for a secret message vocalizations.

Max found that by translating each gist, he may perhaps find the booming meaning, or secret message meaning, of the key words in the Kahuna chants.

For instance fractious the contravene of the secret message is that resolute words were recycled as the symbol of some part or element of the Huna route. If the illustrative meaning was not certain, the true meaning of the charge may perhaps not be supposed until only this minute.

For individual, in yet to be Egypt the new pictured glyph of a grasshopper is to be found in the tombs with the mummy.

In Hawaii, the grasshopper was equally a symbol for the identical make.

The Hawaiian word for grasshopper is "UNIHIPILI". The definition complete in the Andrews "HAWAIIAN-ENGLISH Dictionary" of 1865 is "one name of a class of gods, in the function of "AUMAKUA" is discrete. They were inactive spirits of bad inhabit." Slightly by translating and bearing in mind the meaning of the extraction of the words can one get at the real Huna meaning. It was the word recycled by the kahuna to indicate what we shriek the physical. None of the extraction call no matter what to do with a grasshopper or with spirits or with a mummy of the recent, but they all perfect example some mainstream of the physical mind.

The gist "PILI" process "associated or joining" or "belonging to a human being," and "to cement to no matter which." The physical is "united to" and "belongs to" the organization of the man. The gist "NIHI "describes "caution, working furtively and ineffectively." The physical mind is as you might expect seal off. The gist "U "process a self, an "I."

The priests had an deputy word, "UHINIPILI," for the physical, which repeats some of the gist words, but contains others which come up with the money for new to the job meanings.

UHI carries the meaning of "a inexpert voice, which is smothered by discrete voice." Spanking meaning is "to top or be concentrated." All these similes correctly perfect example the physical mind and the way it works. They back that it is concentrated, that it is faithfully connected to the conscious mind, that it will do gear plainly equally it wishes to do so, and that it equally hides gear, such as complexes, and is the bottom of the emotions.

"UHANE" is Hawaiian for the conscious mind. "U "process a "self" and hane process "to put heads together." The gist words gave the explosion of the conscious mind, the self which summit. The everyday verve is the plainly animal which is able to put heads together to notify consideration.

These examples back the method recycled in shrewdness the booming meanings in words recycled by the Kahuna. The secret message was really lots simple. The on your own meanings of the gist words perfect example the offer that is booming in the word.

The Hawaiian secret message word for the Super-conscious is Aumakua.

"MAKUA" process "parental" or "a join of gods," and it is the "parental" part of man. The extraction equally mean "very old." The style for the word aumakua complete by a pupil of Hawaiian lore is "properly steadfast parental spirit." The Hawaiian word list translates the word as "one who can be trusted as a child trusts a parent."

One may perhaps shriek the super-conscious: "God who is trusted to love the physical and conscious with whom it is joined." It will help us and guide us over our life.

(c) 2008 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD